Aeterna 0 Newbie Poster

My website is having serious issues with IE. These are not browser compatibility issues, and they are not isolated to my computer.

No version of IE on any computer can load the server to my website. I have no idea whats causing this. The website works fine in other browsers. I've had other people test the site and say the same thing, so its not my computer, my browser, or my network.

I have an .htaccess file that redirects www versions of the site to non-www versions... for example
loading will redirect to in firefox, chrome, etc. However, loading in any version of IE simple returns with the same error messages:

IE6: Action Cancelled
IE7: Navigation to the webpage was cancelled
IE8: Navigation to the webpage was cancelled
IE9: Navigation to the webpage was cancelled

If you load which is just a subpage of my site, it loads. So why isn't the index of my site being found?

What the heck is going on!?