emilio 10 Junior Poster

i'm trying to write something i have done many time but still i encounter with a problem.
i'm writing a web service that is protected with network credentials.
in my web service application i added the following config:

   <deny users="?" />
   <allow users="computername\username" />
   <deny users="*" />

the client side call to the service looks as following:

MyService.MyService proxy = new MyService.MyService();
ICredentials creds = new NetworkCredential(@"computername\username", "password");

string s = proxy.HelloWorld();

i fail with as 401 un authorized exception. i tried every single config combination i could think of, using roles, denying users, nothing works.
the only two results i get is: 1) none of the users are allowed. 2) any user with any credentials are allowed.

the web service is hosted on windows server 2008 and the client is on windows 7.