fpsasm 0 Posting Whiz in Training

Hello, I've been doing some JSP, and I've got a: "The value for the useBean class attribute bns.TestBean is invalid" error, could you help me out?

tmp.jsp is :

<jsp:useBean id="tb" class="bns.testBean" scope="page" />
<jsp:setProperty name="tb" property="*" />

Where TestBean.java is:

package bns;

public class TestBean {

	public TestBean(){

	public String getHello(){
		return "Hello World";

Which as been compiled as a .class and is stored with the file dir path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\bns\TestBean.class

Any help?


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