3265002918 6 Light Poster

I can't find a way to let people attach a file to messages auto sent to my e-mail.

my code is :

<body bgcolor="red"><center>
<table border="2">
<td bgcolor="yellow" text="black"><b>print "!all fields must be filled!";<b></td>

<td>print "first name: "; <input type="text" name="$fname"><br></td>
<td>print "last name: "; <input type="text" name="$lname"><br></td>
<td> print " age: "; <input type="text" name="$age"><br></td>
<td> print "question (be specific): ";<br><textarea name="$need" rows="9" cols="30"></textarea><br></td>
<td>e-mail (this must be valid): <input type="text" name="$email"><br></td>
<td><input type="radio" name="$comtype" value="windows"> windows <input type="radio" name="$comtype" value="mac"> mac<br></td>
<a herf=index.html> -<input type="submit" name=oporsubmit>- </a>
if(strlen($fname) >2 && strlen($comtype) >2 && strlen($lname) >2 && strlen($age) >10 && strlen($age) <21 && strlen($need) >20 && strlen($email) >10 && )

$body2="a new request has been made by $fname $lname /n who is age $age and has a $comtype/n/n------------------------------------question------------------------------/n/n $need /n/n --------------------------------------------------------/n/n contact this person at $email /n/n";
mail("my@e-mail.com","new question",$body2)
print "there is an error";


i need to make a place where they can browse their computer for a file and attach it
