error is the same showing all sored records from table

Echo and show the exact query that's being executed.

This table is showed when i searchd for Jams

Business Name   Business Type               Address
James Tech      Business Service Provider   NY
Roosts Systems  Govt                        Pak
Ntel ISP        Internet Service Provider   International

Looks like $query never gets a value, so that the executed query returns everything.

According to your query, you are searching based on "TYPE", perhaps, you wanna try searching by "name" or something like that ...

can you give me an example,
what kind of change you want i do to this code?


$query = isset($_GET['query']) ? $_GET['query'] : '';


$query = isset($_GET['Editbox1']) ? $_GET['Editbox1'] : '';

Your form's input is defined strangely, so I cannot tell for sure.

I try it:

$query = isset($_GET['query']) ? $_GET['query'] : '';

Result is:

Query was empty

Query was empty

now what is wrong now?

Check your form's input and use the right name for the GET variable.

Look this is all records which is stored in table.
I search for James,
Result is Query was empty

Business Name   Business Type               Address
James Tech      Business Service Provider   NY
Roosts Systems  Govt                        Pak
Ntel ISP        Internet Service Provider   International

I give up. The answer is in the previous posts.

I type James Tech
the result is the same,

Roosts Systems

But all they display all records, So what are you suggest ?

if it is not working then, i have anoth code, but it have prob how i add url link to Name.
Its working good.

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