pspwxp fan 1 Junior Poster in Training

Hi Daniweb,
I'm making an Online Clinic project in Wordpress. I want to create a database system such that there one user account (master account), using which a user can either make a doctor account or several patient accounts. Basically, 3 tables, Account, Patient and Doctor. I can make the tables in PhpMyAdmin.
The problem is that I do not know how to implement this in my Wordpress site. I am new to wordpress. I would like to know how to

  • Fetch the data from the form in php or otherwise
  • Send it to the appropriate tables at the back end
  • Be able to fetch data from the tables and display on the website.

I do not really have much of an idea where to put the php code etc, what handlers there are for the forms and so on. Neither am I sure whether I should make a new database for my account tables, or use the wp database. Or if someone could recommend a plugin that would enable all my requirements.

Thanks a lot!

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