morfious90 0 Newbie Poster

in my grid data is represented as Datewise . So I want To Group the data that has same Date. and After Grouping Insert space for different Date.

I tried to Achive this by this code But Was faild;

Even Now i Have a Checkbox in footer that perform Java script Opration for aprove or disaproove candidate. by inserting space . aprooval and disaprooval stops working ..

 DataRow lastRow = null;
    string b = "";
    protected void GridClaimView_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
        if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header)
            TableHeaderCell cell = new TableHeaderCell();
            cell.Text = "Balance <br /> Amount";
            e.Row.Cells.AddAt(14, cell);
        if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
            double Amount1 = 0;
            double.TryParse(e.Row.Cells[11].Text, out Amount1);
            AdvanceAmount += Amount1;
            double Amount2 = 0;
            double.TryParse(e.Row.Cells[12].Text, out Amount2);
            ClaimAmount += Amount2;
            double Amount3 = 0;
            double.TryParse(e.Row.Cells[13].Text, out Amount3);
            Kilometer += Amount3;
            TableCell cell = new TableCell();
            cell.Text = (Amount2 - (Amount1 + Amount3)).ToString();
            e.Row.Cells.AddAt(14, cell);
            CheckBox chkBxSelect = (CheckBox)e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("cbxSelect");
            CheckBox chkBxHeader = (CheckBox)this.GridClaimView.HeaderRow.FindControl("cbxSelectAll");
            chkBxSelect.Attributes["onclick"] = string.Format
            //if (e.Row.Cells[16].Text == "DisApproved")
            //    e.Row.Enabled = false;
            //    e.Row.Enabled = true;
        string a = "";

        if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
            DataRow thisRow = ((DataRowView)e.Row.DataItem).Row;

            DateTime thisDate = thisRow.Field<DateTime>("TimeSheetDated");
            a = thisDate.ToString("d");
            if (b != null)

               // DateTime lastDate = lastRow.Field<DateTime>("TimeSheetDated");
               //b = lastDate.ToString("d");

                if (a != b)

                    TableCell tc = new TableCell();
                    tc.Text = "&nbsp;";
                    tc.Height = Unit.Pixel(20);

                    GridView gv1 = (GridView)sender;

                    tc.ColumnSpan = gv1.Columns.Count;

                    GridViewRow gr = new GridViewRow(-1, -1, DataControlRowType.DataRow, DataControlRowState.Normal);

                    Table gvTable = (Table)e.Row.Parent;
            b = a;


        if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer)
            e.Row.Cells[11].Text = AdvanceAmount.ToString();

            e.Row.Cells[12].Text = ClaimAmount.ToString();

            e.Row.Cells[13].Text = Kilometer.ToString();
            TableCell cell = new TableCell();
            cell.Text = (ClaimAmount - (AdvanceAmount + Kilometer)).ToString();
            e.Row.Cells.AddAt(14, cell);

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