Ka Kit 0 Newbie Poster

i am doing tab panel and anchor(eg html?tab=profile#f1) in bootstrap

Please run http://www.timothyhui.com/test/boom/hash_tab/ver2/go.html as example

i made some examples with parameter in one page, when user click one of example and go to another page. Then that page gets parameters and anchor, then the tab will be changed and anchor jumps.
tab=profile is change tab,

p1 is anchor in profile tab,

click "tab=profile#p1", "tab=profile#p2" or "tab=messages&pane=m13#m2",

i have tested chrome and ie9 to edge are fine, however in firefox(tab=profile#p1 and tab=profile#p2), it's not working.
please kindly help. i have tried to search any method in interent, but i have no any ideas.

Thanks for help