JosephMooryes 0 Newbie Poster

Guys this question is continual. however i found the answer virtually however still cant compass. i dont shrewdness to resolve it. thats why i announce it as new question

iam operating with a project.

iam exploitation native-validations-master downloaded it from internet.

this is the link for that:

It conjointly contain demo Kindly refer it.

to perform validation i want to connect the form-validation.js enter my project then,

in my form


//where experience_form is my type name and validateForm is perform name within the validation js file

my downside is I actually have hidden input fields during this type. those conjointly valid in order that i cant submit the shape.

if that input fields area unit visible then solely it should be valid. the way to do that?

i searched in internet and did this



but not worked. still it's substantiative

i referred in internet however most of the solutions area unit supported jquery.

Then what i made a decision is to ascertain in chrome dev tools. i got an answer that even the input field is hidden the specified property is enabled. thus i made a decision to disable the property.

this is the image once the specified property is enabled and therefore the dropdown down is given corectly. the the below given image. notice amount is that the field which can be hidden.

Currently within the below image it's not hidden and therefore the needed property is additionally enabled

Refer this image:

The input field isn't hidden therefore the needed property is additionally enabled. it's substantiative. and see down i marked the category name is modified to has-success. it's modified to success with the assistance of form-validation.js file.

Now the notice amount field is with error refer the below image.

Refer the image:

in the higher than image see that once error is there then the category name modified to has- error ANd conjointly error message is displayed in tag Please choose an possibility type the list

so what i planned is to disable the specified property within the notice amount contol.

I have a radio button with affirmative and no choices. once affirmative is clicked the comtol is enabled and once no is clicked the contol are going to be disabled.

so once dynamic the radio button to no i placed the below code.

document.getElementById("notice_period").required = false;

everything works fine. the specified property is disabled. however still the shape isn't submitting.

At-last i found the answer that the span tag is fault here.

Refer the image:

See here once the no radio button is clicked the notice amount management is hidden and conjointly see the dev tool, the specified property conjointly disabled. however note that the span tag continues to be there. thats the fault here. The span tag is gift therefore the type isn't submitted.

IF i delete the span tag within the dev tool then if i click the sumbit its operating.

i dont shrewdness may i disble the span tag.

The span tag is gift only if there's error.

this the form-validation.js file

* Learn about Javascript Basic validation API
* Learn about Data attributes:
* You can can custom error messages with these data attributes
* data-require-error        used to display custom message for required field
* data-pattern-error        used to display custom message for field with pattern attribute
* Here is a list of configuration variables that can be passed while initializing form validation
* The value for these variables will override default value if passed otherwise default value will be used.
* invalidEmail                      :Message that you want to display in case of invalid input
* invalidNumber                     :Message that you want to display in case of invalid input
* invalidPhone                      :Message that you want to display in case of invalid input
* invalidOption                     :Message that you want to display in case of invalid input
* invalidCheckbox                   :Message that you want to display in case of invalid input
* fillOut                           :Message that you want to display in case of invalid input
* invalidRange                      :Message that you want to display in case of invalid input
* invalidLength                     :Message that you want to display in case of invalid input
* invalidGroupOption                :Message that you want to display in case of invalid input
* messageWrapperTag                 : valid HTML element that you want to use to wrap error message
* successClass                      : class name
* errorClass                        : class name
* closestTagSelector                : any valid selector, it can be an id OR class i.e  '#form-group' OR  '.form-group'
var EmailMessage = "Please enter a valid email address.";
var NumberMessage = "Please only enter numbers.";
var PhoneMessage = "Please enter a valid phone number.";
var OptionMessage = "Please select an option from the list.";
var CheckboxMessage = "Please check the required box.";
var FillOutMessage = "Please fill out";//field name or 'this field' will be appended to this with a space.
var RangeMessage = "Please input a value between";//field min and max attribute value will be appended to this.
var LengthMessage = "Input character should be between";//field min and max attribute value will be appended to this.
var OptionGroupMessage = "Please select at least one option";
///*{0} will be replaced with the actual message later on before displaying.*/
var MessageTag = "<span class='help-block' id='help-block'>{0}</span>";
var SuccessClass = "has-success";
var ErrorClass = "has-error";
var HelpBlockSelector = ".help-block";
var ClosestTagSelector = ".form-group";

var args = {
    invalidEmail: "",
    invalidNumber: "",
    messageWrapperTag: "<span class='help-block' id='help-block'></span>"

Element.prototype.validateForm = function (args) {

    if (args !== undefined) {
        //override variable values if provided and not empty
        if (args.invalidEmail !== undefined && args.invalidEmail !== '') EmailMessage = args.invalidEmail;
        if (args.invalidNumber !== undefined && args.invalidNumber !== '') NumberMessage = args.invalidNumber;
        if (args.invalidPhone !== undefined && args.invalidPhone !== '') PhoneMessage = args.invalidPhone;
        // if (args.invalidOption !== undefined && args.invalidOption !== '') OptionMessage = args.invalidOption;
        if (args.invalidCheckbox !== undefined && args.invalidCheckbox !== '') CheckboxMessage = args.invalidCheckbox;
        if (args.fillOut !== undefined && args.fillOut !== '') FillOutMessage = args.fillOut;
        if (args.invalidRange !== undefined && args.invalidRange !== '') RangeMessage = args.invalidRange;
        if (args.invalidLength !== undefined && args.invalidLength !== '') LengthMessage = args.invalidLength;
        if (args.invalidGroupOption !== undefined && args.invalidGroupOption !== '') OptionGroupMessage = args.invalidGroupOption;
        //insert {0} in between wrapper tag that will be replaced with actual message later on before displaying.
        if (args.messageWrapperTag !== undefined && args.messageWrapperTag !== '') MessageTag = args.messageWrapperTag.replace("></", ">{0}</");
        if (args.successClass !== undefined && args.successClass !== '') SuccessClass = args.successClass;
        if (args.errorClass !== undefined && args.errorClass !== '') ErrorClass = args.errorClass;
        if (args.closestTagSelector !== undefined && args.closestTagSelector !== '') ClosestTagSelector = args.closestTagSelector;

    var form = this;
    this.addEventListener("invalid", function (event) {
    }, true);
    // Support Safari, iOS Safari, and the Android browser—each of which do not prevent
    // form submissions by default
    this.addEventListener("submit", function (event) {
        if (!this.checkValidity()) {
    //********************************************** for blur event of each control
    var allControls = this.querySelectorAll("input:not([type='submit']):not([name$='[]']), select, textarea");
    for (var i = 0; i < allControls.length; i++) {
        var input = allControls[i];
        //bind blur event for every field in the form
        input.addEventListener("blur", function (event) {
            //get parent of object
            var inputParent =;
            //Following if block is only for styled select boxes and custom date picker
            if (inputParent.classList.contains('old') || inputParent.classList.contains('date')) {
                inputParent = inputParent.closest(ClosestTagSelector)

            //get help block and remove it if already added.
            var spanError = inputParent.querySelector(HelpBlockSelector);
            if (spanError) {
            //validate the current field and based on result add/remove the error message
            if (! {
                inputParent.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", MessageTag.replace("{0}", GetMessage(;
            } else {

    //get input type checkbox(s) that belongs to a group with name attribute
    var onlyCheckBoxGroups = this.querySelectorAll("input[name$='[]']");
    var checkBoxArray = [];
    var checkBoxNames = [];
    var singleName = '';
    //iterate checkboxes and prepare a list of group names and their relevant checkboxes
    for (var i = 0; i < onlyCheckBoxGroups.length; i++) {
        if (singleName !== onlyCheckBoxGroups[i].name) {
            if (checkBoxNames.length > 0) {
                checkBoxNames = [];
            singleName = onlyCheckBoxGroups[i].name;
        if ((onlyCheckBoxGroups.length - 1) === i) {
            checkBoxNames = [];
    for (var j = 0; j < checkBoxArray.length; j++) {
        var checkBoxes = checkBoxArray[j];
        var groupParent = checkBoxes[j].parentNode;
        //bind change and blur event foreach checkbox whose parent has attribute required
        if (groupParent.getAttribute('required') != null) {
            for (i = 0; i < checkBoxes.length; i++) {
                checkBoxes[i].addEventListener("change", function (event) {
                checkBoxes[i].addEventListener("blur", function (event) {
                    //get the next element that get focus after the recently triggered blur event
                    if (event.relatedTarget) {
                        //and if the next element is member of another group or another item then validate value
                        //for previous group
                        if ('name') !== event.relatedTarget.getAttribute('name')) {

    * This function validates the value for a checkbox group that is marked required.
    function checkBoxGroupValidate(event) {
        //get all checked checkboxes for a group and if its null then mark it invalid or valid
        var totalChecked ="input[name$='[]']:checked");
        if (totalChecked === null) {
            var errorMessage = '';
                errorMessage =;
            }else if({
                errorMessage =;
            }else {
                errorMessage = OptionGroupMessage;
            if ( === null) {
      "beforeend", MessageTag.replace("{0}", errorMessage));
        } else {
            var spanError =;
            if (spanError !== null) {

    //****************************************** for click event of submit button
    var submitButton = this.querySelector("input[type=submit]");
    submitButton.addEventListener("click", function (event) {
        var errors = 0;
        for (var j = 0; j < checkBoxArray.length; j++) {
            var checkBoxes = checkBoxArray[j];
            var groupParent = checkBoxes[j].parentNode;
            if (groupParent.getAttribute('required') != null) {
                var totalChecked = groupParent.querySelector("input[name$='[]']:checked");
                if (totalChecked === null) {

                    var errorMessage = groupParent.querySelector("input[name$='[]']").getAttribute('data-requireError');
                    if (groupParent.querySelector(HelpBlockSelector) === null) {
                        groupParent.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", MessageTag.replace("{0}", errorMessage));
        var invalidFields = form.querySelectorAll(":invalid:not(fieldset)"),
            errorMessages = form.querySelectorAll(HelpBlockSelector),

        // Remove any existing messages
        for (var i = 0; i < errorMessages.length; i++) {
            //errorMessages[ z ].parentNode.removeChild( errorMessages[ z ] );
        for (var i = 0; i < invalidFields.length; i++) {
            myParent = invalidFields[i].parentNode;
            //Following if block is only for styled select boxes
            if (myParent.classList.contains('old') || myParent.classList.contains('date')) {
                myParent = myParent.closest(ClosestTagSelector)
            var spanError = myParent.querySelector(HelpBlockSelector);
            if (spanError) {
            if (!invalidFields[i].validity.valid) {
                myParent.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", MessageTag.replace("{0}", GetMessage(invalidFields[i])));
            } else {

        // If there are errors, give focus to the first invalid field
        if (invalidFields.length > 0) {
        } else {
            if (errorMessages.length === 0) {
            } else {

 * @return {string}
function GetMessage(element) {
    //the data attribute with multiple dashes(-) will be obtained using camelCase conversion i.e data-abc-def corresponds to the key abcDef
    //If data-requireError or data-patternError are defined
    if (element.dataset.requireError || element.dataset.patternError) {
        if (element.validity.valueMissing === true) {
            return element.dataset.requireError;
        else {
            return element.dataset.patternError;
    } else {
        //if error message are not defined via data attributes then use default OR generic messages.
        var name = element.nodeName,
            type = element.type;
        //assign name to type variable if element is not an input element to use within switch case
        if (name !== 'INPUT') {
            type = name;
        var errorMessageToShow = '';
        switch (type) {
            case 'email':
                if (element.validity.typeMismatch === true) {
                    errorMessageToShow = EmailMessage;
                } else {
                    errorMessageToShow = element.validationMessage;
            case 'tel':
                if (element.validity.typeMismatch === true) {
                    errorMessageToShow = PhoneMessage;
                } else {
                    errorMessageToShow = element.validationMessage;
            case 'SELECT':
            case 'radio':

                if (element.validity.valueMissing === true && m=== true ) {


                    errorMessageToShow = OptionMessage;
                else {
                    errorMessageToShow = element.validationMessage;
            case 'checkbox':
                if (element.validity.valueMissing === true) {
                    errorMessageToShow = CheckboxMessage;
                } else {
                    errorMessageToShow = element.validationMessage;
                if (element.validity.valueMissing === true) {
                    /* Required field left blank. */
                    errorMessageToShow = FillOutMessage + (( ? (' ' + + '.') : ' this field.');
                } else if (element.validity.typeMismatch === true) {
                    /* element's value is invalid per its type attribute */
                    errorMessageToShow = element.validationMessage;
                } else if (element.validity.patternMismatch === true) {
                    /* element's value does not match its pattern attribute */
                    if (element.pattern === '\d*') {
                        errorMessageToShow = NumberMessage;
                    } else {
                        errorMessageToShow = element.validationMessage;
                } else if (element.validity.rangeOverflow === true || element.validity.rangeUnderflow === true) {
                    /*element's value does not match its min/max attribute*/
                    var max = element.getAttribute('max'),
                        min = element.getAttribute('min');
                    errorMessageToShow = RangeMessage + " " + min + "-" + max + ".";
                } else if (element.validity.tooLong === true || element.validity.tooShort === true) {
                    //element's value not match with minimum/maximum length attribute
                    var maxLength = element.getAttribute('maxlength'),
                        minLength = element.getAttribute('minlength');
                    errorMessageToShow = LengthMessage + " " + minLength + "-" + maxLength + ".";
                } else if (element.validity.stepMismatch === true) {
                    errorMessageToShow = element.validationMessage;
                } else {
                    /* Default message. */
                    errorMessageToShow = element.validationMessage;
        return errorMessageToShow;

Iam stuck that where i should change that. i can change the validation on my website but this validation is good for me and in most of the forms i applied this. just for only two forms iam facing due to hidden fields. if i need to change the validation package. then i need to change it for all form. thats why i am stressing in this same form.

i think everyone understood the question. sorry for these much toooo large question

Kindly some one help please. 2 days i am sitting with this problem.