assgar 14 Junior Poster in Training

I was using a schroll bar to display multiple rows of dynamically created from database records.
The scrolling was not displaying the data properly so I have decided to use pagination.
The problem I am having is,
if I select one item on page #1 and another on page #5
only the last item selected on page #5 is stored in the array.
How can I store selections from multiple pages into one array?
Noite: I am using foreach loop to insert the selected record into a seperate table.

<form action ="../process.php" method="post">
  $mysqli = db_connect();
                db_select($mysqli, $db_id);

 //how many rows to show per page
 $BottomRowsPerPage = 17;
 //by default we show first page
 $BottomPageNum = 1;
 //get the current page number
  $BottomPageNum = $_GET['botpage'];
 //counting the offset
 $BottomOffset = ($BottomPageNum - 1) * $BottomRowsPerPage;
  /***************** determine which and how to select data to display ***************/
  $query = "SELECT c.code_id, c.code, c.description
       FROM code c
    WHERE c.fee_code = m.code
    AND c.section_code = 'K'
    ORDER BY c.fee_code";
 $BottomPagingQuery = "LIMIT $BottomOffset, $BottomRowsPerPage";
      $result = mysqli_query($mysqli,$query.$BottomPagingQuery); //or die('Error, bot query failed');

            //search area display area layer and table
     echo "<table width=\"99%\"  border=\"0\">
             <tr align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" height=\"\">
                     <td width=\"100%\" >
               <div id=\"Layer2\" style=\"position:absolute; width:100%; height:550px; z-index:2; left: 12px; top: 305px;\">
                     <div id=\"pat-dash-scroll-box2\" style=\"overflow: off; float: left; width: 100%; height: 540px;  margin: 0px; \">\n";

   //table begins
             echo "<table width=\"99%\" height=\"332\" left =\"40\" align = \"\" border=\"0\" font face =\"arial\">\n";
         /**----------------------loop record to display----------------------**/
 $num_service = mysqli_num_rows($result);
 for($i=0; $i < $num_service; $i++)
             $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
       list($code_id, $fee1_code, $description) = $row;
      //diaplay search results in rows
     echo"<tr height=\"10\">
    <td width=\"4%\" bgcolor=\"#fff8dc\" align=\"center\">
        <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"fee1_choice[$i]\" value=\"$code_id\"></td>
             <td width=\"7%\" bgcolor=\"#fff8dc\" ><span class=\"style20\"><strong>$fee1_code</strong></span></td>
             <td width=\"3%\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\" height=\"10\">
         <input type=\"text\" name=\"fee1_unit[$i]\" size=\"1\" maxlength=\"2\" value =\"$fee1_unit\"/></td>
             <td width=\"79%\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\" class=\"style20\"> $description </td>
  }//end of for loop

    /**----------------Bottom pagination-------------------**/
  echo '<br>';
  //how many rows we have in database
  $result  = mysqli_query($mysqli,$query) or die('Error, 2 query failed');
  $BottomNumRows = mysqli_num_rows($result);
  //how many pages we have when using paging?
  $BottomMaxPage = ceil($BottomNumRows/$BottomRowsPerPage);
  $self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
  /** creating 'previous' and 'next' link plus 'first page' and 'last page' link
               print 'previous' link only if not on page one **/
  if ($BottomPageNum > 1)
    $BottomPage = $BottomPageNum - 1;
    $BottomPrev = "<a href=\"$self?u_find=$find&u_field=$field&u_search=$searching&u_back=$back&u_special=$special&u_service=$services&u_sch_yr=$schedule_year&toppage=$TopPageNum&botpage=$BottomPage\">[Prev]</a> ";
    $BottomFirst = "<a href=\"$self?u_find=$find&u_field=$field&u_search=$searching&u_back=$back&u_special=$special&u_service=$services&u_sch_yr=$schedule_year&toppage=$TopPageNum&botpage=1\">[First Page]</a> ";
     $BottomPrev  = '[Prev]';       // we're on page one, don't enable 'previous' link  ,
     $BottomFirst = '[First Page]'; // nor 'first page' link
  //print 'next' link only if we're not
  //on the last page
  if ($BottomPageNum < $BottomMaxPage)
    $BottomPage = $BottomPageNum + 1;
    $BottomNext = "<a href=\"$self?u_find=$find&u_field=$field&u_search=$searching&u_back=$back&u_special=$special&u_service=$services&u_sch_yr=$schedule_year&toppage=$TopPageNum&botpage=$BottomPage\">[Next]</a>";
    $BottomLast = "<a href=\"$self?u_find=$find&u_field=$field&u_search=$searching&u_back=$back&u_special=$special&u_service=$services&u_sch_yr=$schedule_year&botpage=$TopPageNum&botpage=$BottomMaxPage\">[Last Page]</a>";
     $BottomNext = '[Next]';      // we're on the last page, don't enable 'next' link
     $BottomLast = '[Last Page]'; // nor 'last page' link
   // print the page navigation link
   echo"<center> ". $BottomFirst . $BottomPrev . " <strong>$BottomPageNum</strong> of <strong>$BottomMaxPage</strong> pages " . $BottomNext . $BottomLast."</center>";

         echo "</div>\n";
  echo "</table>\n";
        echo "</table>\n";
    $mysqli->close();//close connection to db