Hi guys i need to write a program that reads a line from the user and then searches and counts the number of alphabet letters in it and the number of any one punctuation.
i figured out how to go through the list of all uppercase and lowercase letters and punctuations ':' and ';' but wanna know how to compare with each character in the line.
im using assmbly lang for intel IA-32 and MASM 8
ive used macros to read the line and display it the definition of the macros is given

mReadString MACRO varName:REQ
; Reads from standard input into a buffer.
; Receives: the name of the buffer. Avoid passing 
;    ECX and EDX as arguments.
	push ecx
	push edx
	mov  edx,OFFSET varName
	mov  ecx,SIZEOF varName
	call ReadString
	pop  edx
	pop  ecx
mWriteString MACRO buffer:REQ
; Writes a string variable to standard output.
; Receives: string variable name.
	push edx
	mov  edx,OFFSET buffer
	call WriteString
	pop  edx
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
INCLUDE Macros.inc
mPutchar MACRO char

push eax
mov al,char
call WriteChar
pop eax

sen BYTE 500 DUP(?)

main PROC

call ClrScr					;Clear screen

mWrite<" Input a sentence to see the number of alphabet letters and punctuation",0dh,0ah>
mReadString sen
call Crlf
mWrite<"Sentence input by user..",0dh,0ah>
mWriteString sen

call Crlf

mov edx, OFFSET  sen
call WriteChar

call Crlf
	mov al,65
	mov ecx,26
	mPutchar al			;macro call
	inc al
	call Crlf
	loop L1

	mov al,97
	mov ecx,26
	mPutchar al
	inc al 
	Call Crlf
	loop L2

	mov al,58
	mov ecx,2
	mPutchar al
	inc al
	Call Crlf
	loop L3


main ENDP

END main

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the simpliest way that I can find right now is saving each occurance of a char in a new array. Basically like this:

string DB 'Hello Demonoid2008!",$
  MOV Al,[string+EBX]  ;reads char
  MOV BL,[array+EAX] ;reads how ofter char occured till now...
  INC BL  ;and increments it 'cause it just occured right now again...
  MOV [array+EAX],BL  ;..and saves it again
LOOP yourloop

array  RESB 256

After this loop you have a map of all occurances. You can now sort it and say "o: 3x, l: 2x" etc.

so i've this but there's some problem in the control of the program..can someone help me figure out??..thanks

TITLE counting
;Program description: Counts number of English alphabet letters and punctuation

INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
INCLUDE Macros.inc
mPutchar MACRO char

push eax
mov al,char
call WriteChar
pop eax


sen BYTE 500 DUP(?) 		;mem allocation for sentence
bcount DWORD ?			;counter for bytes in the sentence
dcount DWORD 0
count BYTE 0 			;counter
ca DWORD 0			;counters  
cb DWORD 0			;for 
cc DWORD 0			;letters A(or a) to Z(or z)
cd DWORD 0			;and punctuation :
ce DWORD 0
cntf DWORD 0
cg DWORD 0
cnth DWORD 0
ci DWORD 0
cj DWORD 0
ck DWORD 0
cntl DWORD 0
cm DWORD 0
cn DWORD 0
co DWORD 0
cp DWORD 0
cq DWORD 0
cr DWORD 0
cnts DWORD 0
ct DWORD 0
cu DWORD 0
cv DWORD 0
cw DWORD 0
cntx DWORD 0
cy DWORD 0
cz DWORD 0
cpunc DWORD 0


main PROC

call ClrScr					;Clear screen

mWrite<" Input a sentence to see the number of alphabet letters and punctuation",0dh,0ah>	;input prompt				
mov edx, OFFSET sen	
mov ecx, SIZEOF sen
call ReadString							;reading sentence
mov bcount, eax							;displaying length
call WriteDec							;of screen

call Crlf

mWrite<"Sentence input by user..",0dh,0ah>					;prints
call WriteString							;sentence input by user
mov esi, OFFSET sen							;assigning offset of sentence to esi

call Crlf

	inc dcount
	mov count,0						;initialize count to 0
	mov al,65
	mov ecx,26
	inc count
	mPutchar al						;macro call to display character
	cmp al,BYTE PTR [esi]					;L1, L2 and L3 are labels for
	je MAT							;traversing A-Z,a-z and ':' punctuation		
	inc al
	call Crlf
	loop L1

	mov count,0
	mov al,97
	mov ecx,26
	inc count
	mPutchar al
	cmp al,BYTE PTR[esi]
	je MAT
	inc al 
	Call Crlf
	loop L2

	mov count,0
	mov al,58
	mPutchar al
	cmp al,BYTE PTR[esi]
	je MAT
	Call Crlf

call matcher
mov ebx,dcount
cmp ebx,bcount

	call Crlf
	mWrite<"A's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,ca
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf
	mWrite<"B's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cb
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"C's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cc
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf
	mWrite<"D's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cd
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"E's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,ce
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"F's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cntf
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"G's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cg
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"H's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cnth
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"I's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,ci
	call WriteDec	
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"J's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cj
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"K's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,ck
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"L's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cntl
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"M's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cm
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"N's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cn
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"O's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,co
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"P's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cp
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"Q's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cq
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"R's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cr
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf
	mWrite<"S's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cnts
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"T's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,ct
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"U's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cu
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"V's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cv
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"W's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cw
	call WriteDec	
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"X's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cntx
	call WriteDec	
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"Y's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cy
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"Z's: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cz
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf
	mWrite<":'s: ",0dh,0ah>
	mov eax,cpunc
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

main ENDP

matcher      PROC

	cmp count,1
	je AF
	cmp count,2
	je BF
	cmp count,3
	je CF
	cmp count,4
	je DDF

	cmp count,5
	je EF

	cmp count,6
	je FF

	cmp count,7
	je GF

	cmp count,8
	je HF

	cmp count,9
	je IIF

	cmp count,10
	je JF

	cmp count,11
	je KF

	cmp count,12
	je LF

	cmp count,13
	je MF

	cmp count,14
	je NF

	cmp count,15
	je OF

	cmp count,16
	je PF

	cmp count,17
	je QF

	cmp count,18
	je RF

	cmp count,19
	je SF

	cmp count,20
	je TF

	cmp count,21
	je UF

	cmp count,22
	je VF

	cmp count,23
	je WF
	cmp count,24
	je XF

	cmp count,25
	je YF

	cmp count,26
	je ZF

	cmp count,0
	je PU

	inc ca
	add esi,2
	jmp EX
	inc cb
	add esi,2
	jmp EX	

	inc cc
	add esi,2
	jmp EX	

	inc cd
	add esi,2
	jmp EX	

	inc ce
	add esi,2
	jmp EX	

	inc cntf
	add esi,2
	jmp EX	

	inc cg
	add esi,2
	jmp EX	

	inc cnth
	add esi,2
	jmp EX	

	inc ci
	add esi,2
	jmp EX	

	inc cj
	add esi,2
	jmp EX	

	inc ck
	add esi,2
	jmp EX	

	inc cntl
	add esi,2
	jmp EX	

	inc cm
	add esi,2
	jmp EX	

	inc cn
	add esi,2
	jmp EX	

	inc co
	add esi,2
	jmp EX

	inc cp
	add esi,2
	jmp EX

	inc cq
	add esi,2
	jmp EX

	inc cr
	add esi,2
	jmp EX	

	inc cnts
	add esi,2
	jmp EX	

	inc ct
	add esi,2
	jmp EX

	inc cu
	add esi,2
	jmp EX	

	inc cv
	add esi,2
	jmp EX	

	inc cw
	add esi,2
	jmp EX

	inc cntx
	add esi,2
	jmp EX	

	inc cy
	add esi,2
	jmp EX	

	inc cz
	add esi,2
	jmp EX
	inc cpunc
	add esi,2

matcher     ENDP

END main

so i finally figured it out here's the code: it counts occurence of each letter, doesn't matter if it's upper case or lower and counts punctuatinos(;:,.?!)

TITLE counting
;Program description: Counts number of English alphabet letters and punctuation

INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
INCLUDE Macros.inc

sen BYTE 500 DUP(?) 		;mem allocation for sentence
bcount DWORD ?			;counter for bytes in the sentence
dcount DWORD 0
count BYTE 0 			;counter
ca DWORD 0			;counters  
cb DWORD 0			;for 
cc DWORD 0			;letters A(or a) to Z(or z)
cd DWORD 0			;and punctuation :
ce DWORD 0
cntf DWORD 0
cg DWORD 0
cnth DWORD 0
ci DWORD 0
cj DWORD 0
ck DWORD 0
cntl DWORD 0
cm DWORD 0
cn DWORD 0
co DWORD 0
cp DWORD 0
cq DWORD 0
cr DWORD 0
cnts DWORD 0
ct DWORD 0
cu DWORD 0
cv DWORD 0
cw DWORD 0
cntx DWORD 0
cy DWORD 0
cz DWORD 0
cpunc DWORD 0


main PROC

call ClrScr								;Clear screen

mWrite<" Input a sentence to see the number of alphabet letters and punctuation ':'",0dh,0ah>	;input prompt				
mov edx, OFFSET sen	
mov ecx, SIZEOF sen
call ReadString							;reading sentence
mov bcount, eax							;displaying length
call WriteDec							;on screen

call Crlf

mWrite<"Sentence input by user..",0dh,0ah>					;prints
call WriteString							;sentence input by user
mov esi, OFFSET sen							;assigning offset of sentence to esi

call Crlf

	;inc dcount						
	mov al,65
	mov ecx,26
	inc count
	cmp al,BYTE PTR [esi]					
	je MAT							;traversing A-Z,a-z and punctuations		
	inc al							;and comparing to their ascii values
	loop L1							;and calling procedure to count the letter/punct.

	mov count,0
	mov al,97
	mov ecx,26
	inc count
	cmp al,BYTE PTR[esi]
	je MAT
	inc al 
	loop L2
	mov count,0
	mov al,58
	cmp al,BYTE PTR[esi]
	je MAT
	mov count,27
	mov al,46
	cmp al,BYTE PTR[esi]
	je MAT
	mov count,28
	mov al,44
	cmp al,BYTE PTR[esi]
	je MAT
	mov count,29
	mov al,59
	cmp al,BYTE PTR[esi]
	je MAT
	mov count,30
	mov al,63
	cmp al,BYTE PTR[esi]
	je MAT
	mov count,31
	mov al,33
	cmp al,BYTE PTR[esi]
	je MAT	
	inc dcount
	add esi,1
	mov eax,dcount
	cmp eax,bcount
	jne START
	jmp L5

	inc dcount					;incrementing counter for number of characters processed
	call matcher				;calling counter function
	mov eax,dcount
	cmp eax,bcount				;comparing if all characters are processed
	jne START

L5:						;Displaying the final number of occurence of each value
	call Crlf
	mWrite<"A's: ">
	mov eax,ca
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf
	mWrite<"B's: ">
	mov eax,cb
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"C's: ">
	mov eax,cc
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf
	mWrite<"D's: ">
	mov eax,cd
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"E's: ">
	mov eax,ce
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"F's: ">
	mov eax,cntf
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"G's: ">
	mov eax,cg
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"H's: ">
	mov eax,cnth
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"I's: ">
	mov eax,ci
	call WriteDec	
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"J's: ">
	mov eax,cj
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"K's: ">
	mov eax,ck
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"L's: ">
	mov eax,cntl
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"M's: ">
	mov eax,cm
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"N's: ">
	mov eax,cn
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"O's: ">
	mov eax,co
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"P's: ">
	mov eax,cp
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"Q's: ">
	mov eax,cq
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"R's: ">
	mov eax,cr
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf
	mWrite<"S's: ">
	mov eax,cnts
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"T's: ">
	mov eax,ct
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"U's: ">
	mov eax,cu
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"V's: ">
	mov eax,cv
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"W's: ">
	mov eax,cw
	call WriteDec	
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"X's: ">
	mov eax,cntx
	call WriteDec	
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"Y's: ">
	mov eax,cy
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

	mWrite<"Z's: ">
	mov eax,cz
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf
	mWrite<"Punctuation ':''s : ">
	mov eax,cpunc
	call WriteDec
	call Crlf

main ENDP

matcher      PROC
						;comparing the count value to see what character is found	
	cmp count,1
	je AF
	cmp count,2
	je BF
	cmp count,3
	je CF
	cmp count,4
	je DDF

	cmp count,5
	je EF

	cmp count,6
	je FF

	cmp count,7
	je GF

	cmp count,8
	je HF

	cmp count,9
	je IIF

	cmp count,10
	je JF

	cmp count,11
	je KF

	cmp count,12
	je LF

	cmp count,13
	je MF

	cmp count,14
	je NF

	cmp count,15
	je OF

	cmp count,16
	je PF

	cmp count,17
	je QF

	cmp count,18
	je RF

	cmp count,19
	je SF

	cmp count,20
	je TF

	cmp count,21
	je UF

	cmp count,22
	je VF

	cmp count,23
	je WF
	cmp count,24
	je XF

	cmp count,25
	je YF

	cmp count,26
	je ZF

	cmp count,0
	je PU
	cmp count,27
	je PU
	cmp count,28
	je PU
	cmp count,29
	je PU
	cmp count,30
	je PU
	cmp count,31
	je PU
	inc ca					;Incrementing each character's count as it occurs
	add esi,1					;And moving the pointer to next character
	jmp EX
	inc cb
	add esi,1
	jmp EX	
	inc cc
	add esi,1
	jmp EX	
	inc cd
	add esi,1
	jmp EX	
	inc ce
	add esi,1
	jmp EX	
	inc cntf
	add esi,1
	jmp EX	
	inc cg
	add esi,1
	jmp EX	
	inc cnth
	add esi,1
	jmp EX	
	inc ci
	add esi,1
	jmp EX	
	inc cj
	add esi,1
	jmp EX	
	inc ck
	add esi,1
	jmp EX	
	inc cntl
	add esi,1
	jmp EX	
	inc cm
	add esi,1
	jmp EX	
	inc cn
	add esi,1
	jmp EX	
	inc co
	add esi,1
	jmp EX
	inc cp
	add esi,1
	jmp EX
	inc cq
	add esi,1
	jmp EX
	inc cr
	add esi,1
	jmp EX	
	inc cnts
	add esi,1
	jmp EX	
	inc ct
	add esi,1
	jmp EX
	inc cu
	add esi,1
	jmp EX	
	inc cv
	add esi,1
	jmp EX	
	inc cw
	add esi,1
	jmp EX

	inc cntx
	add esi,1
	jmp EX	

	inc cy
	add esi,1
	jmp EX	

	inc cz
	add esi,1
	jmp EX
	inc cpunc
	add esi,1
	mov count,0			;reinitializing counter

matcher     ENDP

END main
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