Taking the "fright" out of Opcodes and Hex-numbers.

High Level Assembly (HLA) is a modern assembler + standard library package that allows a programmer to ease his way toward ASM coding by leveraging concepts already learned from typical high-level languages. By using HLA, one can investigate and play with a few ASM instructions at a time while coding the remainder of the application using built-in functions and flow-control constructs that one should already be accustomed to. As one gains confidence with traditional assembly coding, they can begin to eliminate the high-level parts of the application by re-coding them in straight ASM.

Here is an example to demonstrate how an HLA application looks very close to how one might write the same program in C or other traditional language.

// cross-platform:  Linux & Windows now; others in the works...
// get HLA here:  http://www.artofasm.com

program demo;
#include( "stdlib.hhf" )

    ITERATIONS		:uns32	:=	10000;
    MAX_VALUE		:uns32	:=	100;
    items	:uns32[ITERATIONS];
    freq		:uns32[MAX_VALUE+1];
    mixed	:file;
    sorted	:file;
begin demo;
    /* initialization
    mixed.create();  // these are file objects
    mixed.openNew( "sfalse.txt" );
    sorted.openNew( "strue.txt" );
    /* create the unsorted array
    mov( 0, ecx );
        rand.range( 0, MAX_VALUE );  // returns value in 'eax'
        mov( eax, items[ecx*4] );  // puts value into array
        mixed.put( (type uns32 ecx):5, ": ", (type uns32 eax), nl );
        // mirror to file
        add( 1, ecx );
    until ( ecx = ITERATIONS );

    /* record the frequencies of the numbers
    for( mov( 0, ecx ); ecx < ITERATIONS; inc( ecx ) ) do
        mov( items[ecx*4], eax );  // get value from array
        inc( freq[eax*4] );  // increment its frequency count

    /* use frequency table to re-order the array
    xor( ecx, ecx );  // could also use 'mov( 0, ecx )'
    xor( ebx, ebx );
    while( ebx < MAX_VALUE+1 ) do
        mov( freq[ebx*4], eax );  // get frequency count
        if ( eax != 0 ) then
            // keep storing that number until eax = 0
                mov( ebx, items[ecx*4] );
                sorted.put( (type uns32 ecx):5, ": ", (type uns32 ebx), nl );
                // mirror to file
                inc( ecx );  // could also use 'add( 1, ecx )'
                dec( eax );  // sets Zero Flag if eax = 0
            until ( @z );  // check if Zero Flag is set
        add( 1, ebx );
end demo;

Get HLA and the *free* online version of "Art of Assembly" here: http://www.artofasm.com
Get an IDE specifically for HLA (Windows only) here: http://sevag.krikorian.googlepages.com/

Im an computer science student i must research for the commands used in assembly can anybody give me copy in table form.. The command and its used..
Thank you for thise who reply

Hi im new in java can you pls give me for the code in determing the lowest and highest number in the series of array and asking the user of number and dirrference of the highest and the lowest because i have not any references here because im just living at the dormitory.

thank you

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