jonny93 0 Junior Poster in Training

I have a project due soon, and I am having trouble with it. Here is my code:

#include "msp430.h"                     ; #define controlled include file

        NAME    main                    ; module name

        PUBLIC  main                    ; make the main label vissible
                                        ; outside this module
        ORG     0FFFEh
        DC16    init                    ; set reset vector to 'init' label

        RSEG    CSTACK                  ; pre-declaration of segment
        RSEG    CODE                    ; place program in 'CODE' segment

init:   MOV     #SFE(CSTACK), SP        ; set up stack

main:   NOP                             ; main program
        MOV.W   #WDTPW+WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL  ; Stop watchdog timer

        bis.b   #00000001b, &P1DIR      ; P1DIR 1.0 output direction
        bic.b   #00001000b, &P1DIR      ; P1DIR 1.3 = 0, input direction
        bic.b   #00000001b, &P1OUT      ; P1OUT = 0, LED off               
        bis.b   #00001000b, &P1IE       ; P1IE.3 = 1, enable interrupt on       
                                         ;Port 1, push button
        bic.b   #00001000b, &P1IFG       ;P1IFG.3 = 0, clear push button 
        bis.b   #00001000b, &P1REN      ;
        bis.w   #CPUOFF+GIE, SR         ; CPU off, interrupts enabled

PORT1:  cmp.b   #00001000b, &P1IFG      ;
        JEQ     TOGGLE_LED


        bic.b   #00001000b, &P1IFG      ; P1IFG.3 = 0, clear push button interrupt
        xor.b   #00000001b, &P1OUT      ; P1OUT.6 toggle LED
        reti                            ;

        COMMON  INTVEC                  ; Interrupt Vectors
        ORG     PORT1_VECTOR            ; PORT1 Vector
        DW      PORT1                   ;

        JMP $                           ; jump to current location '$'
                                        ; (endless loop)

I am reusing code that I made for our last lab, and with this, when I press the P1.3 button on the launchpad, the red LED will toggle on and off. What I need to do now is fugure out how to use this code to toggle an external LED on a breadboard. I have the wires, and the school breadboards have their own power supply (with GND and 5v). Any help would be appreciated.

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