Hello everyone, I am trying to devise a Binary Tree Representation of a Postfix Expression. I am sure I am in the right track, but there's just something wrong in my code which I cannot find.

I am just wondering if you guys can spot where I made my mistake. I would really appreciate your help.

I am using a Dev-C++ compiler.


struct node{
			char item;
			struct node* leftChild;
			struct node* rightChild;
typedef struct node node; 
node* root;

static node* stack[25];
static int stackPtr = -1;

node* pop(void)

void push(node* root)
	stack[++stackPtr] = root;

void operator(char optr)
    root = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
	root->item = optr;
	root->rightChild = pop();
	root->leftChild = pop();

void operand(char opnd)
    root = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
	root->item = opnd;
	root->rightChild = NULL;
	root->leftChild = NULL;

void PostTraverse (node* root)
	if (root->leftChild != NULL) {
		PostTraverse (root->leftChild);
	if (root->rightChild != NULL) {
		PostTraverse (root->rightChild);
	printf("%c ", root->item);

int main (void)
    char postfix[] = "1 2 + 4 * 5 7 - +";
    char *token;
    int i = 0;

    token = strtok(postfix, " ");
    while (token != NULL) {
        if(token !='('&& token !=')'&& token !='^'&& token !='*'&&
token !='/'&& token !='+'&& token !='-')
        } else {
        token = strtok(NULL, " ");
    return 0;

One problem I found is that the operator() function is like being ignored in the program and I don't know why that was happening. Any idea?

Thank you very much.

Why is root a global variable? As far as I can see, it doesn't need to be, and it's just causing confusion because several functions take a root parameter.

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