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I am 26 years old and right now I am a laid off accountant. I am starting to get pretty good at Java as a hobby and want to get into software development or information security, but I am not sure where to go from here.

I have been think about trying to get back into another accounting job and taking night classes or should I go to school full time for 2-3 years to get my computer science degree?

Since I have a bachelors degree already. Should I just take the prerequisites to get into a masters program in computer science, or should I just work on getting my bachelors?

I am trying to find the best route into computer science given where I am now.

It has been a while since you posted this, but I am interested to know what feedback you may have received from other sources. I am in the situation as you, except that I am a CPA, with several years experience in public and am also 35 years of age. I really want to make a big change, and comp sci seems to balance my interest in the "sciences" and technology, as well as the ability still make decent money. Please feel free to shoot me an email at with any commentary. Thanks so much!!!

@ ragnarok511 (I hope he sees my reply) & CPAtoCompSci: I think the field of computer science is very wide and interesting. You will always find something new to learn. Regarding which path to choose, providing us more information about what you like and what you are innovative in will help us to help you in a better way.

Those are some links that might be useful:


I have been think about trying to get back into another accounting job and taking night classes or should I go to school full time for 2-3 years to get my computer science degree?

This depends on how you see yourself after a few years. Will you still like working as an accountant or you want to try something different?

Since I have a bachelors degree already. Should I just take the prerequisites to get into a masters program in computer science, or should I just work on getting my bachelors?

This depends on your level in computer science. If you feel that you are confident on working on intermediate level projects then I think you'll be fine and don't need to study computer science all over from the beginning. If not, maybe some courses in computer science will help, but you won't have to take some extra courses, like: Physics, Calculus, etc..

I'll be there for extra help.

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