i am stuck in figuring out the bog O for such nested loop

for s=1 to s<N
for e= 1 to e< min(M,s-1)
do some work
if we assume tht M is very large value (but less than N) then the inner loop runs for
0+1+2+.....M times and outer loop runs for N times
so runs of both will always be less than MN
Is the complexity still O(MN)
or we have a better and more efficient statement for O??
Plz help me out.

Well, technically, that code is Big-Oh of N^2 since T(N) is certainly bounded by some quadratic.

Of course, if M is less than a linear function of N (i.e. it is constant or polylogarithmic) then the bound will simply be the simplest form of O(MN) upon replacing M with its expression in N. For example,

M = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 = const.
O(MN) = O(1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 * N) = O(N)

M = log(N)
O(MN) = O(N log N)

If you have no information about how M depends on N, the best you can say is O(MN).

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