I have this program that suppost to ask user to select option:
a. Start a new list
b. Add a Node to the end of the list.
c. Add a Node to the beginning of the list.
d. Add a Node at a specified position in the list.
e. Walk the linked list, displaying all the "person" data.
f. Remove a Node at a specified position from the list. g. Delete the entire list.
using double linked list, the code crashed with these errors:
error C2065: 'node' : undeclared identifier
error C2065: 'current' : undeclared identifier
error C2182: 'StartnewNode' : illegal use of type 'void'
fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation

I don't see the problem, can anyone help me see what I did so wrong that it is failed so badely.

using namespace std;

//void InitializeNode();
void StartnewNode(node *current);
void add_node_at_end();
void add_node_at_start(string new_name);
void InsertNode(node *current, node *After);
void displayNode(node *current);
void RemoveNode(node *current);
void DeleteAllNodes();

//linked list for the per_names  
struct Node
char* per_name[20];	 									 
Node *prev;//pionter to the previous node	 		   										  
Node *next;//pionter to the next node; 		 

 node *current;
 noe *After;
//create header node list
current = new node;
current->char* = per_name;
current->next = NULL;
current->prev = NULL;

Node *first;
Node *last;

int main()
		for (int i=0; i < 5; i++)
		//current = new NODE;
		current -> per_name = i;
cout<<"\nThe contents of the original list are:\n";

for (current = first; current != NULL; current = current -> next)
cout << "\t" << current -> per_name <<endl;

system ("pause");
return 0;

		int MenuChoice;
			cout << " 1. Start a_new list" << endl;
			cout << " 2. Add a Node to the end of the list" << endl;
			cout << " 3. Add a Node	to the beginning of the list" << endl;
			cout << " 4. Add a Node at a specified position in the list" << endl;
			cout << " 5. displaying all the person data" << endl;
			cout << " 6. Remove a Node at a specified position from the list" << endl;
			cout << " 7. Delete the entire list" << endl;
			cout << " 8. Exit" << endl;

			cout << "Enter your choice: ";
			cin >> MenuChoice;

			if((MenuChoice < 0) && (MenuChoice > 8))
			 cout << "Invalid Choice" << endl;
			system("Pause Try Again");
			case 1: StartnewNode();
			case 2: add_node_at_end();
			case 3: add_node_at_start();
			case 4: InsertNode();
			case 5: displayNode();
			case 6: RemoveNode();
			case 7: DeleteAllNodes();
			case 8:
return 0; 

// Add node at the begining of the list
void add_node_at_start(string new_name)
 { // Declare a temporary pointer and move it to the start
   node *temp = current;
   while (temp->prev != NULL)
    temp = temp->prev;
   // Declare a new node and link it in
   node *temp2;
   temp2 = new node;
   temp2->name = new_name;  // Store the new name in the node
   temp2->prev = NULL;       // This is the new start of the list
   temp2->next = temp;       // Links to current list
   temp->prev = temp2;

// Add note at the end of the list
void add_node_at_end ()
 { // Declare a temporary pointer and move it to the end
   node *temp = current;
   while (temp->next != NULL)
    temp = temp->next;
   // Declare a new node and link it in
   node *temp2;
   temp2 = new node;
   temp2->name = new_name;  // Store the new name in the node
   temp2->next = NULL;       // This is the new start of the list
   temp2->prev = temp;       // Links to current list
   temp->next = temp2;
// Inserts a node into a specified location
void InsertNode(node *current, node *After)
   current->pNext = After->pNext;
   current->prev = After;
   if (After->next != NULL)
      After->next->prev = current;
      last = current;
   After->next = current;

// Removes node from specified location
void RemoveNode(node *current)
   if (current->prev == NULL)
      first = current->next;
      current->prev->next = current->next;
   if (current->next == NULL)
      last = current->prev;
      current->next->prev = current->prev;

// Deletes the entire list
void DeleteAllNodes()
   while (first != NULL)

// Now display each item in list
   for (current = first; pNode != NULL; current = current->next)
      cout <<("\n", current->name);

c++ is case sensitive

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