I have some problems with recieving text from ListBoxItem. My code is below:

ListBox list = (ListBox)this.FindName(e.Parameter.ToString());
ListBoxItem item = (ListBoxItem)list.Items.GetItemAt(0); //****here is exception****
T.Text = item.Content.ToString();

The exception throws:

Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.Windows.Controls.ListBoxItem'.

My ListBox contains numbers, but it does not matter. I just wanna get a handle to first element on list.

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You may think it holds numbers, but it is telling you that it holds strings (The System.String part of the error). You are trying to convert this string into a ListBoxItem, which it cannot do.

Based on the next few lines, all you need to do is assign the value to T.Text and skip the attempt to convert it to a ListBoxItem.

This problem is solved. I was adding Strings and reading ListBoxItem types.

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