I'm trying to make a snake game first on javascript then I'll rewrite it on maybe Flash.
After reading some sources I've got some questions. First of all let's see the alghorithm of creating playfield:

<script type="text/javascript">
var height = 20; //height of the game area
var width = 30; //width of the game area
var b = 0;
document.write("<table bgcolor=white bordercolor=black ");
document.write("align=center border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td>");
for (b = 0; b < height+2; b++)
document.write("<img src=images2/end.gif width=0 height=0>");

cause of the for cycle we put a small gif image in a table 21 times. Is it efficient cause it's easier to make document.write once with big ground image. Is there any other way of visualizing the play field without document.write?

Is there any other way of visualizing the play field without document.write?

Just as an example, here's a JavaScript snake game that doesn't use document.write ; it looks like it uses YUI.

You could probably use JavaScript to update the DOM directly; different playing field states (empty, snake, food) could just be CSS classes you change on the <TD> s for display.

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