So I recently accepted the challange of programming a simple top down style rpg in a week. Progress was going well until I decided to add a custom GUI. Its all very simple for the moment, but I have run into a little bit of a pickle...

I have a base class 'Button.cs', which is called upto everytime I need to add a button to the game. It looks a little like this:

public Button(ContentManager content, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Type type, int x, int y, int width, int height, string texture, string name, params string[] message)

Where 'type' defines whether the button is a button, or just a clickable string.=, and 'Message' is just the strings displayed if the type == string.

I also added an 'OnClick' method to deterin if the button has been clicked:

public bool BttnOnClick(Cursor cursor)
    if(button.Contains(cursor.mouseRect.X, cursor.mouseRect.Y))
        MouseState mNewState = Mouse.GetState();

        if(mNewState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
            // Pressed
            return false;
        else if(mOldState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
            // Released.
            return true;
    return false;

The problem is this, whenever I now compile the game, I get an error in the 'Chest.cs' class: "Error 1 'RPGInAWeek.Button' does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\Documents\C# Projects\2D Work\RPGInAWeek\RPGInAWeek\RPGInAWeek\Chest.cs 42 16 RPGInAWeek

public Chest()
    chests = new List<Rectangle>();
    closeRec = new List<Rectangle>();
    chestNames = new List<string>();
    dialogButtons = new List<Button>();

'Chest()' is underlined red whenever I compile... this is a recent error and only started when I created the 'OnClick' method inside the button.cs class. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The 'Chest.cs' constructor looks like:

The error says your Button class is missing a default constructor yet an object of that class is being created as such.

Can you post the lines in particular from Chest.cs that are mentioned in the error?

Hey man dont worry about it, I found the problem. Its because my 'Chest.cs' class was inheriting the 'Button.cs' class:

class Chest : Button
    // Blah Blah Blah
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