This is the Logic for converting a Decimal number to Binary.
I'm having confusion in getting it.
It would be great if someone make me understand this.

for ( long decimal = d ; decimal > 0 ; decimal/=2 )


       binary = decimal%2 + binary  ;


If d=4 then in fisrt go:
4/2=2 and 4%2=0
So, binary = decimal%2 + binary => binary = 0 + (what will be the value of binary here??)

When trying to understand or debug code, use the println method to print out the values of all the expressions and variables being used it the code so you can see what the computer sees.

One confusion people have when talking about conversion is that everything in the computer is binary. An int value is made of 32 binary digits. The only way to see a "binary" or decimal representation for an int value is to format it into a String. You can not "see" the contents of an int. You can format the int to different Strings to display it in many different bases. The most common is base 10. But it can be formatted to any base.

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