Hi there, Im currently designing a Dots and Boxes Game and ive run into a snag,where my Minimax Algorithm will go 4-1 against the AI but not make the next move to win.Any help with this would be great

package players;

import interfaces.GameState;

import java.util.List;

import data.Line;
public class MiniMax extends AbstractPlayer {

    public Line makeMove(GameState gs){
        if (gs.getRemainingLines().size() == 2) {


        if(gs.getPlayer() ==1){
        int minscore = -1; 

            Line lnew1 = null;
            List<Line> l =gs.getRemainingLines();
              for(Line l4: l){
                  GameState g = gs.clone();
                  if (evaluate(g)> minscore){
                      minscore = (evaluate(g));
                      lnew1 = l4;
                  return lnew1;

                int maxscore = 0;
                Line lnew = null;
                List<Line> L = gs.getRemainingLines();
                for (Line l2 : L) {
                     GameState g1 = gs.clone();
                    if (evaluate(g1) < maxscore) {
                        maxscore = (evaluate(g1));
                        lnew = l2;   

                return lnew;


    public String getName() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return "MiniMax";
     * This method calculates the value of the game after all
     * available boxes have been taken.  It is not a great
     * evaluation function, but if it is called at a depth
     * of three in the Mini-Max tree, it will be able to
     * spot a double-cross move and thus beat EasyAI pretty
     * much every time.
    private int evaluate(GameState game) {
        int chain = chainLength(game);
        return game.getValue() + (game.getPlayer()==1 ? chain : -chain);

     * This method calculates the number of available boxes
    private int chainLength(GameState game) {
        GameState safe = game.clone();
        List<Line> lines = safe.getRemainingLines();    
        for (Line line : lines) {
            int moveScore = safe.moveScore(line);
            if (moveScore > 0) {
                return moveScore + chainLength(safe);
        return 0;

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