Things are getting quiet around the shop, seems like all the coding is done in foreign lands. Any way, let's get a thread started, a multilingual coding spree showing how to display "Hello World! (computer language used)". The code has to be a full program! Make sure you have the console wait to display the result too, and give us a comment.

Thanks to Dark Omen:

puts "Hello World! (ruby)"
gets  # make display wait
import msvcrt
print "Hello World! (python)"
msvcrt.getch()  # make display wait, kind of akward, does anybody know a short version?
#include <stdio.
int main()
  puts("Hello World! (C)");
  getchar();  // make display wait
  return 0;
PRINT "Hello World! (basic)"
PAUSE  ' make display wait, this may not be the best

Up to 2500 computer laguages out there! Okay, you Fortran, Lisp and Cobol folks let's have some fun ...

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All 90 Replies


#include <iostream>

int main()
  std::cout<<"Hello, world!"<<std::endl;


puts(1, "Hello, world!\n")


: HELLO  ." Hello, world!" CR ;


class hello {
  public static void main(String [] args)
    System.out.println("Hello, world!");


using System;

class hello {
  public static void main()
    Console.writeln("Hello, world!");


print "Hello, world!\n";

Bored now, I may add more later.

DOS Batch files (and Windows Command prompt files):

echo Hello World!

The C++ compiler itself (well, SOME compilers like VC):

#pragma message( "Hello, World!" )

Okay, we are slowly rolling ...


Hello World! (HTML)


I simply took this from the DaniWeb snippets ...

<? echo("Hello World! (PHP)"); ?>

Do I have to find my old copy of Turbo Pascal? Pascal coders enlighten me ...

Member Avatar for Siersan
program pascal;
  writeln('Hello, world!');
// a very simple win GUI application 
#include <windows.h>

int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
                     HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
                     LPSTR     lpCmdLine,
                     int       nCmdShow)
  MessageBox(NULL, "Hello World! (C/C++ GUI)", NULL);
  return 0;

Where are the TCL, Snobol, Smalltalk, Prolog, Scheme, Eiffel, Lisp, Cobol and Haskell coders?

unit HelloWorldz;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Label1: TLabel;
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.DFM}

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  // the only 2 lines written by the coder
  Label1.Caption := 'Hello World! (Delphi WinGui)';


VBers gimme a WinGui!!

Looks like formatting asm code isn't liked very well. Anyway this is my two bits worth and I've enclosed the executable as a ZIP. Just rename HW.ZIP as HW.EXE and it will work fine.

Is anyone interested in modifying this app so "Hello World", shows as 3D text inside a box only when the left button is being pressed, centered around the cursor and staying inside main window.

I haven't included the file as mine is 2300 lines long, so if you attempt to compile you'll just have to supply the required equates, or contact me and I can send you the associated INC file.

Even though this is NOT in PHP code, It does a little better job of displaying than code tags do. :(

extern _GetMessageA@16, _TranslateMessage@4, _DispatchMessageA@4, _ExitProcess@4
extern _PostQuitMessage@4, _LoadCursorA@8, _RegisterClassExA@4, _GetModuleHandleA@4
extern _GetClientRect@8, _BeginPaint@8, _EndPaint@8, _SetBkMode@8
extern _GetStockObject@4, _InflateRect@12, _GetDC@4, _SelectObject@8
extern _TextOutA@20, _GetCommandLineA@0, _DefWindowProcA@16, _CreateWindowExA@48
section .bss
; ============================================================================================
MainWnd resd 1 ; Handle of main window
WndRect resd 4 ; Applications client area
section .data
; ùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù MAIN WINDOW MESSAGE MAP ùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù
dd Quit_Application
dd WndCreated
dd PaintWindow
MWSize equ ($ - MWndM) / 6
; ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Wc dd 48 ; cbSize
dd MainWndProc ; Main window procedure
dd 0, 0 ; cbClsExtra & cbWndExtra
hInst dd 0 ; Instance Handle
dd 0 ; hIcon
dd 0 ; hCursor
dd 0 ; Hmenu
dd AppName ; Applications name
dd 0 ; Small Icon 
; ____________________________________________________________________________________________
AppTitle db 'NASM by Tight_Coder_Ex', 0
AppName db 'HW', 0
PromptStr db 'H E L L O	 W O R L D', 0
STRSIZE equ $ - PromptStr - 1
; ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Cw dd EX_STYLE ; dwExStyle
dd AppName ; lpClassName
dd AppTitle ; lpWindowName
dd STYLE ; dwStyle
dd 420 ; nWidth
dd 128 ; nHeight
dd 0 ; hWndParent
dd 0 ; hMenu
dd 0 ; hInstance
dd 0 ; lpParam
section .text
; ============================================================================================ 
; 		*** CREATE_WND ***
; ENTRY: EBX = Pointer to structure CreateWindowEx structure
; LEAVE: EAX = Handle to window, or null if failed
; CY = 0 Successful, 1 otherwise.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Create_Wnd mov ecx, 48
sub esp, ecx ; Create stack frame for CreateWindowEx
mov edx, esp ; Need this pointer in EDI
push esi
push edi ; Save registers
mov edi, edx
mov esi, ebx ; Setup for movsd
shr ecx, 2 ; Number of dwords to move
rep movsd ; Copy parameters into stack area
pop edi
pop esi ; Restore index registers and create
call _CreateWindowExA@48 ; window
and eax, eax
jnz .Done + 1 ; If non zero, then was successful
; Error handling code will eventually go here
.Done stc	; Set error flag
; ============================================================================================
; 		 *** MESSAGE HANDLER ***
; This procedure determines if application has a handler for a particular event. All windows
; procedures are passed to this subroutine except those that have been sub or super classed.
; ENTRY: ESI = Pointer to message map
; ECX = Number of sets in map.
; Each set consists of a 16 bit ID and 32 bit pointer to proceedure.
; LEAVE: EAX = 0 if application handled event, or result of DefWindowProc is not.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ESP + 0 = Return address in kernel module
; ESP + 4 = hWnd, this windows 32 bit handle
; ESP + 8 = Msg, Message ID passed by OS.
; ESP + 12 = wParam
; ESP + 16 = lParam
MsgHandler mov edx, [esp + 8] ; Get message ID 0 - 1024 or user defined.
; In the unlikely event a null map is passed to this routine, this method of
; testing ECX first will prevent a fatal crash.
.NextMsg and ecx, ecx ; Are we at the end yet
jz .Default ; ZR = 1, If we are to do default proceesing.
dec ecx ; Decrement counter
lodsw ; Get 16 bit ID from message map
cmp ax, dx ; Is there a match
lodsd ; Load pointer
jnz .NextMsg
; At this point we've found a match and as many events need wParam & lParam,
; I'm going to establish a pointer to those in EBX. hWnd can be simply addressed
; by EBX - 8 or lParam by EBX + 4.
lea ebx, [esp + 12] ; EBX points to wParam
call eax ; Execute event
jnc .Default ; CY = 0, if event requires default proc.
xor eax, eax ; Application handled need to return null.
ret 16 ; Stack needs to be re-aligned.
; As hWnd, Msg, wParam & lParam are already on the stack I use this method
; as a trace into kernel showed OS handles this appropriately and there is no
; point pushing onto stack what is already there. I've tested this on 98/ME/XP.
.Default pop ebx
call _DefWindowProcA@16
jmp ebx
; You'll notice at this point we don't need RET 16 as the call to DefWindowProc has already
; done that for us. 
section .code
; ============================================================================================
; This is where application begins after OS has done its thing. I use the space before
; ShowMainWnd for anything that is not particularly related to displaying main window or is
; coded into a message handler such as WM_CREATE.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
global Main
Main enter 28, 0 ; MSG structure in proceedure frame.
; In the event there is a failure creating main window, MSG.wParam has already been
; established. If a different value is required, set it where ever required.
lea ebx, [ebp - 28] ; EBX points to MSG
dec dword [ebx + 8] ; Msg.wParam = -1, default error condition.
call ShowMainWnd ; Display window and do other initialization.
jc .Exit ; NC = 1, Proeedure failed. 
xor eax, eax ; EAX = NULL
; Applications message pump, continually scan for messages until WM_QUIT is returned.
.Pump push eax ; Save zero value in EAX
push eax ; wMsgFilterMax
push eax ; wMsgFilterMin
push eax ; hWnd = 0, Desktop
push ebx ; Pointer to MSG
call _GetMessageA@16
and eax, eax ; Evaluate returned value
jz .Exit ; ZR = 1, WM_QUIT in message que.
; If main window is a dialog box, IsDialog would be evaluated here.
push ebx
call _TranslateMessage@4
push ebx
call _DispatchMessageA@4
pop eax ; Restore NULL
jmp short .Pump
; Application has terminated, either because ShowMainWnd failed or message que
; encountered WM_QUIT. Other fatal errors usually kill app at the point they
; were encountered as ExitProcess will do appropriate cleanup anywhere.
.Exit leave
push dword [ebx + 8] ; MSG.wParam
call _ExitProcess@4 ; Cleanup
; ============================================================================================
;		 *** SHOW MAIN WINDOW ***
; As the name implies the only responsiblity of this section of code is to register and 
; display main window. 
; LEAVE: CY = 1, If either registering class or creating window failed. Additional
;	code could be added to further define which caused the error.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ShowMainWnd push ebx
mov ebx, Wc ; Point to WNDCLASSEX structure in .data
push IDC_ARROW ; Establish main windows cursor
push byte 0
call _LoadCursorA@8
mov [ebx + 0x1c], eax ; hCursor
push byte 0
call _GetModuleHandleA@4
mov [hInst], eax
push eax
; Now that everything has been initialized the window class can be registered.
push ebx
call _RegisterClassExA@4
and eax, eax ; Set flags
jz .Exit ; EAX = 0 then registration failed. 
; Create applications main window
mov ebx, Cw
pop eax 
mov [ebx + 40], eax
call Create_Wnd
mov [MainWnd], eax ; Save hWnd
jnc .Exit + 1
.Exit stc
pop ebx
; ============================================================================================
; Officially terminates application after user or some other method closes main window.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
push byte 0
call _PostQuitMessage@4 ; Sends quit message to window
stc	; set so no default processing
align 16
; ============================================================================================
; Windows message handlers
; ENTRY: No registers are passed, windows calls this routine
; LEAVE: ESI = Points to message map
; ECX = Number of messages
; NOTE: As windows calls this procedure we want to make sure all registers except
; eax, ecx, edx are preserved. 
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
mov esi, MWndM ; Point to windows class structure
mov ecx, MWSize ; Number of messages in list 
jmp MsgHandler
align 16
; ============================================================================================
; 			*** WINDOW CREATED ***
; We need these sizes everytime the right mouse button is pressed, so it might as well be done
; once here.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
; Determine size of applications client area.
mov edi, WndRect
push edi
mov esi, [ebx - 8] ; hWnd
push esi
call _GetClientRect@8
; Inflate to give a 16 pixel margin around the inside. This determines the what 
; could be termed the display frames clipping region.
sub eax, 17 ; Little dangerous to assume value of EAX
push eax ; just to save two bytes of code.
push eax
push edi
call _InflateRect@12
; The GetStockObject function retrieves a handle to one of the predefined stock pens,
; brushes, fonts, or palettes. 
push byte DEFAULT_GUI_FONT ; System defined PEN
call _GetStockObject@4
push eax ; 2nd parameter for SelectObject call
; The GetDC function retrieves a handle to a display device context for the
; client area of a specified window or for the entire screen. You can use the
; returned handle in subsequent GDI functions to draw in the device context. 
push esi
call _GetDC@4
push eax ; 1st parameter for SelectObject
; The SetBkMode function sets the background mix mode of the specified device
; context. The background mix mode is used with text, hatched brushes, and pen
; styles that are not solid lines. 
push eax
call _SetBkMode@8
; The SelectObject function selects an object into the specified device context.
; The new object replaces the previous object of the same type. 
call _SelectObject@8
; ============================================================================================
; 	 *** PAINT EVENT ***
; The static window needs to indicate to user what he/she should do. This event looks after
; displaying that 3D message.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
enter 64, 0 ; PAINTSTRUCT
lea esi, [ebp - 64]
; BeginPaint function prepares the specified window for painting and fills a
; PAINTSTRUCT structure with information about the painting. 
push esi ; PAINTSTRUCT
push dword [ebx - 8] ; hWnd
call _BeginPaint@8
push byte STRSIZE
push dword PromptStr
push byte 22
push byte 32
push eax
call _TextOutA@20
; EndPaint function marks the end of painting in the specified window.
; This function is required for each call to the BeginPaint function, but only after
; painting is complete. 
push esi ; PAINTSTRUCT
push dword [ebx - 8] ; hWnd
call _EndPaint@8

One more, still need to arouse the LISP folks ...

  document.write("Hello World! (JavaSript)");



Tight_Coder_Ex wonderful asm code, would be nice to see the console code just to look at the difference ...

Pulled this example from the net. This is a fullblown Windows GUI program to say "Hello World!" ...

# Hello World using Python 2.3 and wxPython 2.5

import wx

def create(parent):
    return Frame1(parent)

[wxID_FRAME1, wxID_FRAME1STATICTEXT1] = [wx.NewId() for _init_ctrls in range(2)]

class Frame1(wx.Frame):
    def _init_ctrls(self, prnt):
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, id=wxID_FRAME1, name='', parent=prnt,
              pos=wx.Point(326, 167), size=wx.Size(523, 173),
              style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, title='Show it off!')
        self.SetClientSize(wx.Size(515, 133))

        self.staticText1 = wx.StaticText(id=wxID_FRAME1STATICTEXT1,
              label=' Hallo World!', name='staticText1', parent=self,
              pos=wx.Point(0, 0), size=wx.Size(515, 133), style=0)
        self.staticText1.SetFont(wx.Font(48, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL,
              False, 'Comic Sans MS'))
        self.staticText1.SetForegroundColour(wx.Colour(255, 255, 0))
        self.staticText1.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(0, 128, 64))

    def __init__(self, parent):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = wx.PySimpleApp()
    frame = create(None)


Here is "Hello World!" using tcl scripting:

label .label -text "Hello World! in tcl script"
pack .label

Did you know Python can run tcl script easily?

# Python23

import Tkinter

root = Tkinter.Tk()
tclScript = """
    # here is a tcl script
    label .label -text "Hello World! in tcl script"
    pack .label
"""'eval', tclScript)

How come no one did python??

How come no one did python??

Be my guest!

Here is a rare one:

main( ) 
  putchar('Hello World! in B language, the one that came before C');

Hmm! You and Dave must veritably know how to google! I am dazzled.

Well here is a real oldy ...

DATA DIVISION.             
Display 'Hello World! in COBOL'.

From a very shy Lisp person ...

(write-line "Hello World! in Common-Lisp")

A visit back to the early days of programming ...

; Hello World for Intel Assembler (MSDOS)
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov ah,9
mov dx, offset Hello
int 21h
xor ax,ax
int 21h

  db "Hello World! in Intel asm",13,10,"$"

Contribution from Bud Tugly, a guy who still writes Fortran programs ...

PRINT*, 'Hello World! in Fortran77'

From Brazil comes the interesting language Lua
(Portuguese for moon). I am having fun with Lua!

io.write("Hello World! using Lua 5.0")
-- or
print("Hello World!")

Why not try a scripting language like ColdFusion?

  WriteOutput("Hello World! in ColdFusion script");

Can this be true?

import std.c.stdio;
void main()
  printf("Hello, World! in D language");

From one of the many Schemers ...

(define hello 
  (lambda ()
    (display "Hello World! in Scheme")))

Belatedly a contribution from the Senior Home:

10 REM Hello World in MBASIC
20 PRINT "Hello World! in MBASIC"


print "Hello World!"

I'm a failure xD

What does the B in Basic stand for?
Here is Haskell, something the profs can use to bother the grads!

module Hello
main = do putStrLn "Hello World! written in Haskell"

>What does the B in Basic stand for?
Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

>What does the B in Basic stand for?
Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

Thanks Narue, need to get a Hello World in Tama from you!

I never figured out that tama thing

>need to get a Hello World in Tama from you!

"Hello, world!" @W0 @NL

>I never figured out that tama thing
Let me know what you're having trouble with. It'll help with the design.


{ This is program Hello World, written for DaniWeb on March 21, 2001 }
  { This PASCAL program demonstrates the fine use of comments in an }
  { ancient tradition of writing more comments needed, just to prove a }
  { point. }
  { Let's Begin }
  program HELLODER;
       WRITELN('Hello World.');

I miss PASCAL.

This will date me, but I bought Turbo Pascal v.1.0 for $49.95 from a computer magazine advertisement. A neat program in those days, the first IDE I ever experienced. Later I got hooked on Delphi ...

  WriteLn('Hello World! in Delphi console mode');

Narue, do I see a little bit of Clipper in Tama script?

>Narue, do I see a little bit of Clipper in Tama script?
Partial inspiration from Forth, partial from a post here concerning a toy language called Magic Lite, and the rest from my twisted mind.

Well I downloaded tama and like nothing happened i tried running it and stuff and nothing happened

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