1.write an algo that asks a user to input a month and a year. The algo then determines the number of days in that month and year(Note: Take into consideration leap year)

2. write an algo that asks a user to input a date and a month. The algo then determines which zodizc sign the person belongs to.

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One of Daniweb rules is

Do provide evidence of having done some work yourself if posting questions from schoolwork assignments

If you have a coding problem then please post some code and someone will help you.

This problem for students. I do not see the code that you can not.
Formula for calculating a leap year is known to all.

Result := ((Year mod 4) = 0) and ((Year mod 100) <> 0) or ((Year mod 400) = 0);

Algorithm for computing is very simple.

  Days: array[1..12] of Byte = (31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
     if (Month = 2) and IsLeapYear(Year) then
        Result := Days[Month]+1
        Result := Days[Month];

Do not want to think for themselves? Then, and help you no sense. None who do not need experts do not know how to do the work yourself.

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