Hello,everyone.Im doing the same project as Slash12

I thought the data structure I constructed is correct but I don't know how to test it until my search function works.
The errors i have now are:
TypeError:__init__() takes exactly 3 arguements(1 given)

for i in range(len(board)) has no len()
TypeError:object of type "NoneType"

Im not sure about line 37 def enqueue(element, queue)
line 203
and the search function

Any advice or feedback is greatly appreciated

from interface import *
import engine

The player module is called by the engine to conduct game play.  You should
not modify the signatures for the init(), shortest_path(), move() 
and last_move() functions.  You are free to implement any other routines or modules.


# public routines
class EmptyListNode(object):
    __slots__ = ()

class ListNode(object):
    __slots__ = ( "data","next" )    # the only valid attributes for node

    def __init__(self, dataVal, nextVal=EmptyListNode()):
        """Initialize the node"""
        self.data = dataVal            # the node's element
        self.next = nextVal            # the node's next 

    def __str__(self):
        """Return a string representation of the node"""
        return "Node val: "+ str(self.data)

class Queue(object):
    __slots__ = ( "up", "down","left","right" )
    def __init__(self):
        self.up = EmptyListNode()    # The front node in the queue
        self.down = EmptyListNode()        # The back node in the queue
        self.left= EmptyListNode() 
        self.right= EmptyListNode() 
def enqueue(element, queue):
    """Insert an element into the back of the queue"""
    newnode = ListNode(element)
    if empty(queue):
        queue.up = newnode
    elif empty(queue):
        queue.down = newnode
    elif empty(queue):
        queue.left = newnode
        queue.right = newnode
def dequeue(queue):
    """Remove the front element from the queue (returns None)"""
    if empty(queue):
        raise IndexError("dequeue on empty queue") 
    queue.front = queue.front.next
    if empty(queue):
        queue.back = EmptyListNode()
def up(queue):
    """Access and return the first element in the queue without removing it"""
    if empty(queue):
        raise IndexError("up on empty queue") 
    return queue.up.data
def down(queue):
    """Access and return the last element in the queue without removing it"""
    if empty(queue):
        raise IndexError("down on empty queue") 
    return queue.down.data
def left(queue):
    """Access and return the first element in the queue without removing it"""
    if empty(queue):
        raise IndexError("left on empty queue") 
    return queue.left.data
def right(queue):
    """Access and return the first element in the queue without removing it"""
    if empty(queue):
        raise IndexError("right on empty queue") 
    return queue.right.data
def empty(queue):
    """Is the queue empty?"""
    return isinstance(queue.up, EmptyListNode)

class square(object):
    ___slots___ = ('row', 'column', 'neighbors')
    def __init__(self,row,column,neighbors):
        self.row= row
        self.column= column
        self.neighbors= neighbors
    def __str__(self):
        lst = "(" + str(self.row) + "," + str(self.column) + ") neighbors:" 
        for i in self.neighbors:
            lst = lst + "(" + str(i.row) + "," + str(i.column) + ") "
        print lst
class direction(object):
    def __init__(self, up,down,left,right):
def findNode(row,column,board):
    ''' returns the node from the graph with the given name. '''
    for n in range(len(board)):
        if board[n].row== board[n].column:
            return board[n] 
class board(object):
    def __init__(self,edgeLength,squareList):
        self.edgeLength = edgeLength
        self.squareList = []
        for i in range(0,edgeLength):
            for j in range(0,edgeLength):
        for current in self.squareList:
            i = current.row
            j = current.column
            if current.row != 0:
                neighbor = self.squareList[(((i-1)*9)+j)]
            if current.row < (edgeLength-1):
                neighbor = self.squareList[(((i+1)*9)+j)]
            if current.column != 0:
                neighbor = self.squareList[(i*9 + (j-1))]
            if current.column < (edgeLength-1 ):
                neighbor = self.squareList[(i*9 + (j+1))]

    def loadboard(gameFile):
        for line in open(gameFile):
            contents = line.split()
            row1 = int(contents[0])
            column1 = int(contents[1])
            row2 = int(contents[2])
            column2 = int(contents[3])
            if column1 == column2:
                #vertical wall
                leftSquare = findNode(row1,column1 - 1,board)
                rightSquare = findNode(row1,column1,board)
                lowleft = findNode(row2 - 1,column2-1,board)
                lowright = findNode(row2 - 1,column2,board)
                for i in range(len(lSquare.neighbors)):
                    if leftSquare.neighbors[i] == rightSquare:
                for i in range(len(rightSquare.neighbors)):
                    if rightSquare.neighbors[i] == lSquare:
                for i in range(len(lowleft.neighbors)):
                    if lowleft.neighbors[i] == lowright:
                for i in range(len(lowright.neighbors)):
                    if lowright.neighbors[i] == lowleft:
            elif row1 == row2:
                #horizontal wall
                leftUpper = findNode(row1 - 1,column1,board)
                leftLower = findNode(row1,column1,board)
                rightUpper = findNode(row2 - 1,column2 - 1,board)
                rightLower = findNode(row2,column2 - 1,board)
                for i in range(len(leftUpper.neighbors)):
                    if leftUpper.neighbors[i] == leftLower:
                for i in range(len(leftLower.neighbors)):
                    if leftLower.neighbors[i] == leftUpper:
                for i in range(len(rightUpper.neighbors)):
                    if rightUpper.neighbors[i] == rightLower:
                for i in range(len(rightLower.neighbors)):
                    if rightLower.neighbors[i] == rightUpper:
        return board

def init(gameFile, playerId, numPlayers, playerHomes, wallsRemaining):
    For all parts the engine calls this method so the player can initialize their data.
        gameFile - a string which is the file containing the initial board state.
        playerId - the numeric Id of the player (0-4).
        numPlayers - the number of players (2 or 4).
        playerHomes - a list of coordinates for each players starting cell (PO-P4).
        wallsRemaining - the number of walls remaining (same for all players at start).

    # log any message string to standard output and the current log file
    engine.log_msg("player.init called for player " + str(playerId) + " File=" + gameFile +
                   ', playerId=' + str(playerId) + ', numPlayers=' + str(numPlayers) + ', playerHomes=' +
                   str(playerHomes) + ', wallsRemaining=' + str(wallsRemaining))
    playerData.loadGrah(gameFile,playerId, numPlayers, playerHomes, wallsRemaining)

    # initialize your data structure here, and then return it.  It will be
    # passed back to you as 'playerData' in the shortest_path function.

    return playerData

def shortest_path(playerData, source, dest):
    """Returns a list of coordinates representing the shortest path on the
    board between the start and finish coordinates.
        playerData - The player's data
        source - the start coordinate
        dest - the end coordinate
    engine.log_msg("player.shortest_path called.  Source: " + str(source) + 
                   ", Dest: " + str(dest))
    path = []
    while not empty(que):
        current = front(que)
        if current == dest:
        for neighbor in current.neighbors:
            if neighbor not in visited:
                neigbhor.previous = current
        return constructPath(visited, source, destination)

    def constructPath(visited, source, destination):
        if destination in visted:
            temp = destination
        while temp!= source:
            tmp = tmp.previous

    return path

Recommended Answers

All 5 Replies

is it okay that i make a loadBoard function inside class and call it ?

playerData.loadBoard(gameFile,playerId, numPlayers, playerHomes, wallsRemaining)

You are not allowed to use list or collections.deque for the queue?

we can use everything. can anyone test my data structure. i dont know what wrong with it

Better first to use standard tested data structure. Your class is strange as it has no methods but is used only as structure by module functions. Also I do not understand where comes value of que. And open is poor variable name.

def enqueue(element, queue):

"""Insert an element into the back of the queue"""

newnode = ListNode(element)

if empty(queue):

queue.up = newnode

elif empty(queue):

queue.down = newnode

elif empty(queue):

queue.left = newnode


queue.right = newnode

What is the logic here? Very redundant method i see.
Besides you do not have a proper class grip hence data are not called and sync'ed well. Please break your codes into parts and repost them one after other as i like running away from 50 lines of code at one go.

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