Hello everyone, :)

I have exercise for class that I can't complete, I don't understand why my loops aren't

The question---
Write code that will print a multiplication table for 10 positive integers across the columns and 10 positive integers down the rows. Prompt the user for the starting values for both the columns and the rows.

My attempt---

row = int(raw_input("Enter the first row number: "   ))
col = int(raw_input("Enter the frist column number: "))

lastRow = row + 10
lastCol = col + 10

while (row < lastRow):
    print "%4d" % (col * row) 
    while(col < lastCol):
        print "%4d" % (col * row),
        col += 1
    print "%4d" % (col * row) 
    row += 1

Can anyone show me what I'm doing wrong

Actually here' my new code that works except I need it to print and outer row and column that shows each value being multiples and I don't know where to place that code so if entered 1 and 1 it should look like this

row = int(raw_input("Enter the first row number: "   ))
col = int(raw_input("Enter the frist column number: "))

lastRow = row + 10
firstCol = col
lastCol = col + 10

while (row < lastRow):
    while(col < lastCol):
        print "%4d" % (col * row),
        col += 1
    col = firstCol
    row += 1
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