Hi everyone, I'm new to programming (and daniweb) and I'm having a small problem with a Caeser Cipher program I'm writing.

   messageE = input('\nPlease enter string to encrypt: ')
   offsetE = int(input('Please enter offset value (1 to 94): '))
   encryptedE = ''

   if offsetE < 1 or offsetE > 94:
       print('Incorrect input. Please enter a value between 1 and 94.')

       messageE = input('\nPlease enter string to encrypt: ')
       offsetE = int(input('Please enter offset value (1 to 94): '))

   for char in messageE:
       encryptedE = encryptedE + chr(ord(char) + offsetE)
       print('Encrypted string:\n', encryptedE)

Gives the output:

Please enter string to encrypt: hello
Please enter offset value (1 to 94): 1
Encrypted string:
Encrypted string:
Encrypted string:
Encrypted string:
Encrypted string:

I only want the final line "ifmmp" to show. How would I go about this? Thanks so much to anyone who can help.

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Unindent line 13 to take the print() call out of the for loop.

...and you do have to deal with wrap around from z to a,b,c..

Python's double-ended queue called deque in module collections has a method rotate() that is ideal for that sort of thing.

A special case is the rotational shift by 13 positions (half the alphabet) ...

''' str_rot13.py
rotate the letters in a string by 13 positions (half the alphabet)
tested with Python2.7.6 and Python3.2.5

def str_rot13(text):
    cipher rotate text by 13 letters (half the alphabet)
    # ascii code of start and end letters
    a = ord('a')
    z = ord('z')
    A = ord('A')
    Z = ord('Z')
    cipher = ""
    for c in text:
        ascii = ord(c)
        # lower case
        if a <= ascii <= z:
            cipher += chr(a + (ascii - a + 13) % 26)
        # upper case
        elif A <= ord(c) <= Z:
            cipher += chr(A + (ascii - A + 13) % 26)
        # not a letter
            cipher += c
    return cipher

# test ...
text = "password!"

encoded = str_rot13(text)

decoded = str_rot13(encoded)

''' result ...
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