I have my code to the point where I see the information on the print preview, but when it prints it is only printing the last line of the page. Any ideas of what I need to fix to get it to print all the information contained? I am new to this so I am not sure what needs to be added or changed. Here is the print section of my code.

Private Sub Button1PrintReport_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PrintReport.Click
            msngInitialValue = Convert.ToSingle(txtInitialValue.Text)
            msngSalvageValue = Convert.ToSingle(txtSalvageValue.Text)
            mintAssetLife = Convert.ToInt32(txtAssetLife.Text)
            msngTotalDepreciation = msngInitialValue - msngSalvageValue
            msngAnnualDepreciation = msngTotalDepreciation / mintAssetLife
            msngCurrentValue = msngInitialValue
            msngPage = 1
            mintCurrentYear = 1

        End Sub

        Private Sub PrintPreviewDialog1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ppddepreciationDialog1.Load

        End Sub

        Private Sub ppddepreciation_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles ppddepreciation.PrintPage

            Dim pintLinesPerPage As Integer ' Number of detail lines to print on a page.
            Dim pintTotalLines As Integer ' Total number of lines to print.
            Dim pintCurrentLine As Integer ' Current line number on current page.

            ' Print the page title.

            Call PrintPageTitles(e)

            ' Divide page height by height of a line to determine number of lines.

            ' Subtract 6 lines from this intermediate value to account for the

            ' page headings.

            pintLinesPerPage = Convert.ToInt32((e.MarginBounds.Height / msngFontHeight)) - 6
            pintTotalLines = mintAssetLife

            ' Calculate the total number of pages to print.

            msngPages = Convert.ToSingle(pintTotalLines / pintLinesPerPage + 1)

            ' Test to determine whether there are more pages to print. 

            If msngPage <= msngPages Then

                msngYPos = e.MarginBounds.Top + (msngFontHeight * 5)

                ' The For loop prints detail lines on the page

                For pintCurrentLine = 1 To pintLinesPerPage

                    msngYPos += mfntPrint.GetHeight(e.Graphics)
                    Call DrawStringInBox(e, cintCol1Start, msngYPos, _
                           cintColWidth, msngYPos + msngFontHeight, _

                    ' Print column 2 - 

                    Call DrawStringInBox(e, cintCol2Start, msngYPos, _
                    cintColWidth, msngYPos + msngFontHeight, _

                    ' Print column 3 - 

                    Call DrawStringInBox(e, cintCol3Start, msngYPos, _
                    cintColWidth, msngYPos + msngFontHeight, _
                    msngCurrentValue -= msngAnnualDepreciation

                    ' Print column 4 -

                    Call DrawStringInBox(e, cintCol4Start, msngYPos, _
                    cintColWidth, msngYPos + msngFontHeight, _
                    mintCurrentYear += 1

                    ' If the balance is less than 0, then all lines have

                    ' been printed. Print the total interest, set

                    ' HasMorePages to False, and then exit the event handler.

                    If msngCurrentValue <= msngSalvageValue Then

                        e.HasMorePages = False
                        Exit Sub
                    End If
                e.HasMorePages = True
            End If
        End Sub

    Function SLN( _
               ByVal Cost As Double, _
               ByVal Salvage As Double, _
               ByVal Life As Double _
               ) As Double
    End Function

End Class

The rest of my application works beautifully except for the printed version not printing what is on the print preview. Any suggestions are appreciated.

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