My Problem is that an error occurs if I run this program:

Dim docsend As New MSXML2.DOMDocument30
        Dim httpOB As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP30
        Dim pfad As String

        docsend.async = False

        pfad = "C:\order2.xml"

        Call docsend.load(pfad)

        Call httpOB.open("POST", "http:// - Server Link -", False)
        Call httpOB.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")

        Call httpOB.send(docsend)
        'Catch ex As Exception
        '    MsgBox(ex.Message)
        'End Try

        docsend = Nothing
        httpOB = Nothing

The error:

'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException was unhandled
    'ErrorCode = -1072896658
    'Message = "System error: -1072896658. "
    'Source = "msxml3.dll"
    'bei MSXML2.XMLHTTP30Class.send(Object varBody)
    'bei send.Form1.Button1_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) 
    'in C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Dany\Desktop\project_xml\project\send\Form1.vb:Zeile 21.    
    'bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)    
    'bei System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)   
    'bei System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)    
    'bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)

The stacktrace is much more ... if u need it I´ll post it later.

The Program should send an Order (the xml-File) to the Server. The Server sends an Reply back.

Please help me!

It´s done! I got it!!

-> If someone needs the code, tell me.

I really need the code, please gimme the code and explantion as well

I really need the code, please gimme the code and explantion as well

The failure of my program was in this block:

        Call httpOB.send(docsend)
        'Catch ex As Exception
        '    MsgBox(ex.Message)
        'End Try

It has to be:

        Call httpOB.send(docsend.load(path))
        'Catch ex As Exception
        '    MsgBox(ex.Message)
'End Try

It works^^

If u don´t understand something, post what it is, and maybe I can help u.

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