Hi All

I am working on a grid view where I have an acitve column which has radio button, user can select either yes or no for the active column. depending on the selection I am able to update the database.

I am using the code below to get the selected value of the row in the grid view

For i = 0 To Request.Form.Count - 1
            Name = Request.Form.AllKeys(i)
            If (Name.StartsWith("list")) Then
               Value = Request.Form.GetValues(i)(0)
              Array = itemName.Split("_")
              Name = itemArray(1)

Now I want to check the grid view if atleast one row has active field set to "yes", If user selects all the rows to No I want to display an error instead of updating the database.

how can we check the entire grid view if atleast one row has active = yes

Thanks in advance

Set a flag to zero, iterate over every row and check if it is set to yes, if it is, set the flag to one or boolean.true and exit

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