Hi,I need to retrieve the data for Employee details After entering Empno in a 1st text box.I hope it's Simple but i'm Intermediate level in VB.net,Please help ASAP

This is My Coding for VB.NET

Private Sub View_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    cmd = New SqlCommand("regd_regdetail_Empid", con)
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Empid", TxtEmpID.Text.Trim.ToString)
    dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
    If dr.HasRows Then
        If dr.Read Then
            Label1.Text = dr.GetString(0)
            Label2.Text = dr.GetString(1)
            Label3.Text = dr.GetString(2)
            Label4.Text = dr.GetString(3)
            Label5.Text = dr.GetString(4)
            Label6.Text = dr.GetString(5)

        End If
    End If

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All 10 Replies

Instead of cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Empid", TxtEmpID.Text.Trim.ToString) I think you meant cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Empid", Trim(TxtEmpID.Text))

You may also want to check that there is actually a value in the textbox first.

Hi to all,This is the error rise::"Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int32' to type 'System.String'".


Try this then:
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Empid", Cint(Trim(TxtEmpID.Text)))

Thanks Waddell,

       I changed the Expression As per your suggestion.But,Same problem was occured..
       InvalidCast Exception was unhandled "Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int32' to type 'System.String'."
        If not String.IsNullOrEmpty(TxtEmpID.Text) Then
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Empid", Integer.Parse(Trim(TxtEmpID.Text)))
        End If

Hi to all,This is the error rise::"Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int32' to type 'System.String'".

I suspect that the error is occuring in one of the dr.GetString(#) statements.

Try. dr.Item(#).ToString() instead.

Substitute the actual integer for "#" in the above statements.

It would also help if you tell us on what line the error occurs.

Thank you so much TnTinMN,

 It will work!,
 But the alignment was changed "In a above label they display  the Textbox result.
 I hope i'll Solve this issue..

Thanks again to all Suggest my issue..

Hi to all once again..
I resolve my above issue(I change a call from test box,Instead of textbox,i call from label--that's why the results are displayed from above the label)..
But the actual problem is in the same module.I need to get a result from barcode print..
This is the first time i can use barcode..anyone can suggest how to use coding () in VB.Net..
Private Sub Button3_Click(print_click)(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click

Actual VB6 Coding for the same module is..

Private Sub BTNPRINT_Click()
Dim cur_dat_tim As String
Dim copy As Integer
copy = txtcopy.Text
ipid = txtempid.Text
patient = txtemployeename.Text
age = txtage.Text
sex = txtsex.Text
doctor = txtdepartmentname.Text

SQL = "regd_regdetail_ipid " & txtempid.Text & " "
If rs.State Then rs.Close
rs.Open SQL, DBC, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

Open "lpt1:" For Output As #1
Print #1, "^Q25,1"
Print #1, "^W45"
Print #1, "^H10"
Print #1, "^P1"
Print #1, "^S4"
Print #1, "^AT"
Print #1, "^C1"
Print #1, "^R0"
Print #1, "~Q+0"
Print #1, "^O0"
Print #1, "^D0"
Print #1, "^E10"
Print #1, "~R200"
Print #1, "^L"
Print #1, "Dy2 -Me - dd"
Print #1, "Th: m: s"

Print #1, "AB,-95,0,2,2,0,0," & Employee
Print #1, "AB,-95,40,1,2,0,0,AGE:"
Print #1, "AB,-35,40,1,2,0,0," & age
Print #1, "AB,-95,80,1,2,0,0,SEX:"
Print #1, "AB,-35,80,1,2,0,0," & sex
Print #1, "AB,-95,120,1,2,0,0,empID:"
Print #1, "AB,35,120,1,2,0,0," & empid

'Print #1, "BA,200,120,3,7,48,0,0,4321"
Print #1, "AB,-95,0,2,2,0,0," & patient
Print #1, "AB,-95,40,1,2,0,0,AGE:"
Print #1, "AB,-35,40,1,2,0,0," & age
Print #1, "AB,-95,80,1,2,0,0,SEX:"
Print #1, "AB,-35,80,1,2,0,0," & sex
Print #1, "AB,-95,120,1,2,0,0,empid:"
Print #1, "AB,35,120,1,2,0,0," & empid
'Print #1, "BA,200,120,3,7,48,0,0,4321"
Print #1, "BA,130,120,3,7,50,0,0," & empid & ""
Print #1, "E"


Close #1

MsgBox "Printed", vbInformation, "REGISTRATION"
Call CLEAR_Click

End Sub

I need to convert it from VB.net or please Suggest in the way of coding or Any referral Websites..

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