Dim cpuLoad As Integer = CDec(Performancecounter1.NextValue.ToString())
        cpuLoad = 100 - cpuLoad
        Label1.Text = cpuLoad.ToString() & "%"
        On Error Resume Next
        ProgressBar1.Value = cpuLoad.ToString

in this why we need to write as "cpuLoad = 100 - cpuLoad" ? and what is the use of converting the integer to a string ?


Not being the person who wrote the code I cant be 100% sure BUT I can take an educated guess.

  1. The cpuLoad = 100- cpuLoad I think it could be that thePerformancecounter1.NextValue.ToString() could be giving you the available resource as a percentage so 100 minus this figure would be the amount used..

  2. cpuLoad.ToString() Probably because the value is being used to make up a string that will be the Label1 text. This isn't really needed in VB.NET as it will automatically be converted to a string but in other languages such as C# (maybe the original programmer copied and adapted C# code,) you must explicitly convert the Integer value to a String or it will throw an error. Some will also argue this is good programming practice especially if you will in the future be looking at using other languages too.

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