Printing an ADO recordset into Excel

mnemtsas 1 Tallied Votes 540 Views Share

Here's possibly the single most useful function that I use. It simply takes an ADO record set and dumps the column names and row values into an Excel worksheet. To use it make sure you have Excel marked in your project references.

' excelPrintRecordSet(Sub)
' Test function that will print out all the records from a recordset in Excel.
Public Sub excelPrintRecordSet(rstTmp As ADODB.Recordset)
  Dim appExcel As Excel.Application
  Dim wbkReport As Excel.Workbook
  Dim wksReport As Excel.Worksheet
  Dim intField As Integer, intRow As Integer
  Const PROCEDURE_NAME As String = "excelPrintRecordSet"

  On Error GoTo errorHandler

  Set appExcel = New Excel.Application
  appExcel.Visible = True
  Set wbkReport = appExcel.Workbooks.Add
  Set wksReport = wbkReport.Worksheets(1)

  If rstTmp.EOF <> True Then
    intRow = 1
      For intField = 0 To rstTmp.Fields.Count - 1
        wksReport.Cells(intRow, intField + 1) = rstTmp.Fields(intField).Name & "=" & rstTmp.Fields(intField).Value
      Next intField
      intRow = intRow + 1
    Loop Until rstTmp.EOF = True
  End If
  Exit Sub

  frmErrorHandler.errorForm MODULE_NAME, PROCEDURE_NAME
End Sub
chad0809 0 Newbie Poster

please someone help me... help me know the codes for printing in VB 2008.. please

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