how can I use the printer in my program ?
thanks ;)

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Use printer for what ?

What you want to print ?

You mean how to print through your application?

Printer.Print "This is what I want to print."

You can use CommonDialog1.ShowPrinter By using CommonDialog Componant, Or you can use shell programming or can use Printer.Print method(Note: if you user Printer.Print method then it will support for USB port only).

'Here Printer.CurrentX is a Left Position of the Printing Matter
    'Here Printer.CurrentY is a Top Position of the Printing Matter
    Printer.CurrentX = 1000
    Printer.CurrentY = 1000
    'Write the text what you want to print
    Printer.Print "Visual Basic is a very interesting Programming Language"
    'Next Line
    Printer.CurrentX = 1000
    Printer.CurrentY = 2000
    Printer.Print "Pinky/Deeps"
    Printer.Line (1000, 1000)-(1000, 1000)

'Even You can print the output in tebular format. Need logical implementation of the X and Y position of the Printing Text

'In case of any issue please feel free to contact me

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