Re: Difference between Endswith() and Equals() Method? Programming Software Development by sknake Equals compares the exact strings: "abc123" == "abc123" …" does end with "abc123", in fact it equals that string -- thus you get the same result. Re: class with methods Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill equals method looks OK to me - if you wrote it why … Re: kindly explain this strange behaviour of == and inerface Programming Software Development by masijade equals and toString exist in the Object class (which all Classes … you wish to compare the [i]content[/i], use str1.equals(str2). Re: Missing Return Statement Help Programming Software Development by jalpesh_007 equals() method compares two Strings. If you have given input High / Low / correct, it only matches with hint variable. What you have stored in hint variable String ot integer? If you give any input instead of these 3 like bbb or aaa, it will not execute any of these case,and also return nothing. so find what you are storing in hint variable. Re: equals Programming Software Development by rannamaa … equalfunction. [CODE] public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null || this.GetType().Equals(obj.GetType()) || this.radius.Equals((obj.????????) )) return false; else… Re: equals Programming Software Development by rannamaa …someone is interested. [CODE] public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null || this.GetType().Equals(obj.GetType()) == false) return false; …Circle c = (Circle)obj; if (this.radius.Equals(c.radius) == false) return false; else return true; } public override… equals Programming Software Development by rannamaa … if the circles have same messures or not. if(c1.Equals(c2)) { Console.WriteLine("Cirkel {0} och {1} är lika… on. In this for-loop the statement [CODE]if(c1.Equals(c2))[/CODE] never comes true. anyone knows why, then im… Re: equals Programming Software Development by ddanbe Put this above your if statement on line 3 [CODE=c#]Circle Mycircle = obj as Circle;[/CODE] In the if statement use: . . . this.radius.Equals(Mycircle.radius) . . . Must say, I have not tested it. equals() method in a class Programming Software Development by ninjaelves …papa = new BarGraph( 25 ); if ( papa.equals(oscar) ) System.out.println("papa and oscar …november.setGraph( someGrades ); if ( november.equals(oscar) ) System.out.println("november …oscar.setGraph( someGrades ); if ( oscar.equals(november) ) System.out.println("november … Re: equals() method in a class Programming Software Development by javaAddict …;eqls" method. Your class need to override the "equals" method: [URL="…/docs/api/java/lang/Object.html#equals(java.lang.Object)"]…/docs/api/java/lang/Object.html#equals(java.lang.Object)[/URL] Since you haven't overridden the… Re: Equals() Method Programming Software Development by kvass …the right idea, but the main problem is in your equals() method that you created. Your method just checks to … a date object. So for instance, calling if(check1.equals(check2)) will basically check if check2 is an object that…and check1. However, the Date class actually already has a .equals() method that works correctly, so all you really need is… Equals() Method Programming Software Development by Bobon … whether they match. Please see code below. [CODE]public boolean equals(){ if(date1==date2){ return true; } else return false; } }[/CODE]….out.println(check1); System.out.println(check2); if (check1.equals(check2)){ System.out.println("The dates are equal."… equals function available for String only? Programming Software Development by … StringBuilder objects or mix of String and Builder and Buffer, equals() doesn't work even though I give same string value… checked Java docs online under Buffer and Builder API and equals() is not listed under methods summary for them but it… Correct me if I'm wrong please. And second, if equals is not available for Buffer and Builder, then what is… Re: equals function available for String only? Programming Software Development by stultuske … in. String, just as tons of other classes, overrides the equals method of the Object class, and thus implement it's… own logic, while the StringBuffer class doesn't. the String equals will check whether or not the value of the Object… is the same, but the equals of the Object class, will check whether or not the… equals methos problem Programming Web Development by anand01 …(strPasswordNew.length()!=0 && strPasswordNew.equals(strPasswordNew1)){ dataManager.getConnection(); PasswordManager passwordManager =new…(); passwordManager=dataManager.getPassword(strUserId); if(strPasswordNew.equals(passwordManager.getPassword())){ dataManager.changePassword(strUserId,strPasswordNew);… Re: equals function available for String only? Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill The equals method is defined in the Object class, so in the … in the "inherited methods" section. That version of equals tests for the the objects being exactly the same object… they are two distinct different objects. StringBuffer does not override equals, so it's inherited from Object, and returns false in… Re: equals function available for String only? Programming Software Development by stultuske every type of Object (so, every class in Java) has an equals method. Re: equals function available for String only? Programming Software Development by Well then when I compiled this code: `StringBuffer sb1 = new StringBuffer("Hello");` `StringBuffer sb2 = new StringBuffer("Hello");` `System.out.println(sb1.equals(sb2));` the output is false! Why is that? Re: Equals method Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill … comparing hashcodes and then double-checks by testing for == or equals() in case of hash collisions. The new Friends that you… the hashcode of the name String. You also need an equals that works. Yours happens to work in this particular case… with ==. The String class contains a method that tests for equals like you need (hint). equals & hashcode help Programming Software Development by Alpdog14 … == QUARTER ? "quarter" : "unknown"; } @Override public boolean equals(Object that){ if(that == null) return false; if(getValue() != ((Coin… t = (Coin) that; return( value == t.value && t.equals(t.weight)); } @Override public int hashCode(){ int h1 = new Double… Re: equals & hashcode help Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ … finite states) in which case you automatically get a good equals and hashCode implementation. Also, when you say 'weight', is it… already using Eclipse, you can ask Eclipse to generate a equals() and hashCode() implementation for you. ALT + SHIFT + S then h… Re: equals & hashcode help Programming Software Development by Alpdog14 … finite states) in which case you automatically get a good equals and hashCode implementation. Also, when you say 'weight', is it… already using Eclipse, you can ask Eclipse to generate a equals() and hashCode() implementation for you. ALT + SHIFT + S then h… Equals method Programming Software Development by solomon_13000 I override the equals method in the Friends class, yet I do not see …{ String name; Friends(String n){ = n; } public boolean equals(Object obj){ Friends f = (Friends)obj; if(… Re: Equals method Programming Software Development by jon.kiparsky … String name() { return name; } public boolean equals (Object o) { return false; return; } public int hashCode() { return… equals() method Programming Web Development by dharma117 [B] I am try to compare contents of class object with equals(),but it not give desired output. so, How to override equals method in java to desired output ? Please help me with example...[/B] Re: Equals method Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill … String for (eg) a file or a socket. OP's equals will work as right up to the point where he… Re: equals() method Programming Web Development by masijade Uhm, by defining an "equals(Object o)" method in your own class? Re: equals() method Programming Web Development by dharma117 [B]Please check this class [/B] [CODE]class A{ int x; A(int x){ this.x=x; } } class test11{ public static void main(String as[]){ A a=new A(12); A a1=new A(12); System.out.print(a.equals(a1)); } }[/CODE] Re: equals() method Programming Web Development by Ezzaral Check it for what? You didn't implement the equals() method as Masijade already suggested. [URL=""]Read this[/URL] if you need a detailed explanation. using equals to compare with inhertance Programming Software Development by darklich13 … my try to understand how to add an equals method to my Person, Purchase, and Customer …'t figure out how to call the equals test from main and have it reference …equalTest; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,message,"Equals Test Result", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); // Test equals for purchase objects. message = "…