Invalid RegistryKeyPermissionCheck Value Programming Software Development by Mr.M …True, (Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights.FullControl)) Try Dim cAdapter As String = regKey.GetValue("DriverDesc").ToString() …If cAdapter = Adapter Then Return Root & Last… Re: Invalid RegistryKeyPermissionCheck Value Programming Software Development by djjeavons Hi I tried out your code and was able to read a value from that section of the registry, but not DriverDesc as I only have ClassDesc there. The only argument I needed to change was the writeable property which I set to False as it seems that you are only attempting to read the value: regKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(… Re: Invalid RegistryKeyPermissionCheck Value Programming Software Development by Mr.M Thanks. Sorry to take so long but I was busy with other projects. Well now my problem is that even if I've set the values but they are not being saved to the registry. I have another working program I've downloaded which does change my MAC address but when I'm using mine, the above code (btn_update) the keys/values are not being saved to the …