How to check an admission number which is already exists Programming Web Development by heshanm … guys, In the below form when a user enters an admission number and click on the relevant type report the report… I want something like this.When a user enters an admission number which is already existing, a validation should come as…;nbsp;</td> <td><label>Admission No</label>&nbsp;</td> <… Get Direct Admission in MBA- MBBS- PGDM Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by eduworldadm **[Direct admission in engineering college 2014](** Edu World is Direct admission consultant provide admission in Medical,Mba,,Mbbs,pgdm colleges across India And Abroad 2014-15. How can i develop an Online Application for admission? Programming Web Development by 2ice pls this will have: Online Application for admission Online Acceptance Student registration/Personal data collection Course Form Registration for Academic Record System. Checking of result(Also Computed) like this website online registration form for admission Programming Web Development by AntonyRayan How to create a online registration form for admission in college with all designs. Can anyone give me a perfect example for that compilation error Programming Software Development by RobertNashon …;<endl; cout<<"Enter the date of admission :"; cout<<"day/"; cin>>…;>bedno; cout<<"Enter the date of admission:"; cout<<"day"; cin>>…;>examination; cout<<"Enter ther date of admission: "; cout<<"day"; cin>>… Error occurred when submitting form data Programming Web Development by heshanm …$currentdate=getdate(time()); $year=$currentdate["year"]; //admission number validation $answer=''; $con=mysql_connect("localhost","…{ ?> <body> <?php echo "Admission number".$admission_no."This student has been alredy entered… Issue regarding a form validation Programming Web Development by heshanm … should be displayed like this. "**Admission number2012/1..This student has been already entered…getdate(time()); $year=$currentdate["year"]; //admission number validation $con=mysql_connect("localhost","…gt; <body> <?php echo "Admission number".$admission_no." .This student has been already… What is best solution for this situtation Programming Web Development by vishalonne Hello I am writing an PHP module for admission process. It have an admission form. Tentatively ddmission process start from mid of March… control of this admission form before and after the admission date so user cannot use this admission form except the announced admission period. Any… javascript confirm box Programming Web Development by extemer …query = mysql_query("SELECT `id`,`name`, `lastname`,`admission`,`day_list`,`month_list`,`year_list`,`gender`,`Cityy` FROM stu_info WHERE $…['id'] ; $ad_title = $query_row['name'] ; $lastname = $query_row['lastname']; $admission = $query_row['admission']; $day = $query_row['day_list']; $month = $query_row['month_list']; $year = $query_row… any one there to help me Programming Web Development by extemer … = mysql_query("SELECT `id`,`name`, `lastname`,`admission`,`day_list`,`month_list`,`year_list`,`gender`,`Cityy` FROM stu_info WHERE …id'] ; $ad_title = $query_row['name'] ; $lastname = $query_row['lastname']; $admission = $query_row['admission']; $day = $query_row['day_list']; $month = $query_row['month_list']; $year = $… If Else Programming Software Development by kayleigh0411 … closeJButton; int patronAge; double ticketPrice; String admission; double freeTicket; double childTicket; double adultTicket;…Font.PLAIN, 12)); admissionJLabel.setText("Admission"); admissionJLabel.setForeground(black); admissionJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment… Re: Error occurred when submitting form data Programming Web Development by vibhaJ Try below. $query="SELECT admission_no FROM student_info WHERE student_info.admission_no='$admission_no'"; $result=mysql_query($query); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if($num_rows > 0) { // admission no already exist in system } else { // admission no not exist } Menu problem in firefox Programming Web Development by ratan4u … example i gota menu's as below, Admission ------- Student admission --------Faculty admission When i click on Admission link, the student and facutly links should… Combo Box not populating Programming Software Development by laghaterohan … form attendance. When i click on save button of the admission form the id which is contained in that form should… of ID 4..When i click save button on the admission form and when i open the attendance form i should… when i add id's..... how to do it.. my admission id text box name is txtid.text and my combobox… MULTIPLE ROWS IN SINGLE TONE Programming Databases by satti ….text then his siblings should also be mentioned on the admission form as requirment by client. for this am using familycode… vw_admissionform where regno= '"& txt1.text & "'" Admission form format is Student Name :----------------- Class:------------------ Registration No:------------------ Sibilings Name… i need help in vb6.0 Programming Software Development by sukanya.seluka …am doing my final year project in college admission with vb6.0. i have completed 60…mphil and so on. And then i have admission register form.I have also created database for …only be able to enter the college's admission register.I have got certain rules and … How to link the register forms to the admission register form? What is the code to do… parsing variables Programming Web Development by ernesto22 … means my values are not taken in. first page admission.php ?php require_once('Connect.php'); echo'<table>…gt; '; echo'</table>'; ?> second page confirm admission.php <?php require_once('Connect.php'); $dated=$_REQUEST['dated']; … problem again Programming Software Development by cyber_aziz … "; gotoxy (43, 13); cout << "Admission no: "; gotoxy (15, 14); cout <<… (5,25); cout << "Enter Admission Number"; gotoxy (57,13); cin >>…) { clear_box (); gotoxy (5,25); cout << "Admission Number Too Long"; getch (); valid = 0; } } while … hello Community Center Say Hello! by meetmaruthi …and picture of student respectively.they are sorted by the admission number.i am using access as front end…text box and a command button.when i enter the admission number and press the command button,i want all the… data back in their respective feilds which correspond to the admission it possible.i used recordsets to stoore and… Database Design Programming Databases by chetah …the country. It has a centralize database for tracking patients admission and billing. The database schema contains the following tables: PATIENTS…(PatientId, Name, Address,DateofBirth,AccBalance) ADMISSION(AdmissionId, PatientId(FK), RoomId(FK), AdmitDate, DischargeDate) ADMITDETAILS(AdmissionId, … dynamic html Programming Web Development by juvincy … are the specifications We have the following types of visits • Admission • Control/Entry/ Visit2/ visit3(routine1)/ visit4(routine2)/ annual • Acute(unscheduled….fopregisteradd.x_ascdno.value=="") { alert('Please enter required field admission number'); return false;*/ } } //--> </script> <script type… Reading from .txt file Programming Software Development by Sh13 …//cost of food// 0.00 //cost of admission and misc. fees// Cape_May NJ 22.2 79… char attraction[NAME_SIZE]; int nights; float food; float admission; }CITY; [/code] After opening the file I…fscanf(ifp, "%f", &lcity[i].admission); } [/code] I thought this would read the line… Can it be done ?? plz tell me how to do Programming Software Development by laghaterohan … question rather a strange one i have two tables say admission and attendance with different fields however admn id , name are… to both of them when i add my data in admission table (via form) can i at the same time add… attendance table ?? ie .. when i click on save button on admission form will the admn , name fileds will also be entered… Hi Please help me to solove this Programming Web Development by divyaatonline …admissions</servlet-name> <servlet-class>admission.AdmissionServlet</servlet-class> </servlet>…</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/admission</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>… the directory structure [url]http://localhost:9090/Campus/admission-provide[/url] access to my admissionservlet and executing… ERD HELP!! Programming Computer Science by waheed.hussain … their choice. When an application form is received, the admission clerks at the college enter the details of the applicant… help the course leaders. The main task of the admission tutors is to assess the suitability of applicants for the… the results of their exams or to reject them. Admission tutors update the status of an application accordingly. Using Joins Programming Databases by bubba-bo …the staff members first name and surname. 3 tables: [U]admission [/U] admission_id, patient_id [U]person[/U] person_id, surname, …First Name], p2.Surname as [Staff Last Name] FROM admission a JOIN staff st USING (Patient_id) JOIN person p1 …First Name], p2.Surname as [Staff Last Name] FROM admission a, staff st, person p1, person p2 WHERE a… Which datagrid should I use in Programming Software Development by Kingcoder210 ….set_TextMatrix(0, 17, "ADMISSION") Mshgrid1.set_TextMatrix(0, 18, "DELETE ADMISSION") Mshgrid1.set_TextMatrix(0, 19…, "ADMISSION REPORT") Mshgrid1.set_TextMatrix(0, 20… Help to Modify the application Programming Software Development by joss23 … for a student’s High School Grade Point and an admission test score (value from 0 to 100). Print the message…: A grade point of 3.0 or above and an admission test score of at least 60. A grade point below… 3.0 and an admission test score of at least 80. If student does not… How to get data from the file in C ? Programming Software Development by dineshz … fflush(stdin); system("cls"); out ("\n Admission Number : "); cin >> adminno; fflush(…enter; } break; case 2:out ("Enter the admission number : "); cin >> admin; scandata…(admin); break; case 3:out ("Enter the admission number : "); cin >> admin; break… code to CLIP Programming Software Development by Syeda_2 … 50 then system shall simply advise the student to take admission in FA. Otherwise (i.e. in case where student marks… below 50 then system shall advise the student to take admission in ICS. Otherwise (i.e. in case where student marks… to 50) the system shall advise the student to take admission in F.Sc. Thankx for advance...