810 Topics

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Member Avatar for happygeek

First Apple decided that an iPhone game which featured Barack Obama bouncing on a trampoline and [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2009/02/10/apple-bans-bouncing-barack-and-trouserless-bill/"]Bill Clinton without trousers[/URL] was in such bad taste that it had no place in the App Store and so refused to feature it. Then came the equally mad news that an application to …

Member Avatar for Appspy
Member Avatar for WASDted
Member Avatar for atar

Hello there!!! I wanted to announce here that the new iOS 4.1 version that apple released some weeks ago, cause to very many WiFi problems. users report [URL="http://discussions.apple.com/forum.jspa?forumID=1390"]at this forum[/URL] that indeed the iPod indicate that it is connected to the internet but when the user try to access the …

Member Avatar for logoonlinepros
Member Avatar for khess

My wife purchased the 32GB [URL="http://www.apple.com"]Apple[/URL] iPad for my Father's Day gift. Fortunately, for me, you don't receive the iPad the day of purchase. Here's how it works: You buy the iPad, they send you an email when it arrives at the Apple Store, you have 24 hours to pick …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for happygeek

Apple has had something of an exciting couple of weeks, it has to be said. There was the announcement of the iPhone and the predictable if misplaced media frenzy that accompanied it. Misplaced because, let’s face it, do we really need another smartphone even if it can play music which, …

Member Avatar for marrysmile23
Member Avatar for jacks smith

Hello friends, I have a ipad but it not support flash website, what i will do to run flash file or website on this apple ipad Thanks

Member Avatar for Tramble

Running OS on Dual G5. My printer was working fine until a servere storm passed through last night. Since that time, no printer. Green light is on the printer, I've unplugged/replugged power switch, unplugged/replugged all connections from the LaserWriter AsanteTalk to the D-Link. Printer is selected in preferences. Attempts …

Member Avatar for James82
Member Avatar for joesteven

Can anyone tell me how to burn a Keynote slide presentation onto a dvd? Thanks.

Member Avatar for donjusko

Hi, At home I can't get past the gray screen and it shuts down. My home location is 118 volts, Mac Store voltage is 124 volts. It boots all the way at the Mac Store every time on three different visits but not at home. It will boot at home …

Member Avatar for sleeperfs2
Member Avatar for Nick b

I have a Laserwriter 4/600 PS that I used happily on an ethernet network using an Asante laserbridge when I ran Macs on OS9. Now I have a network of Powerbook G4 (OS10.2.8), EMac (OS10.3.3)and Powerbook G3(OS 9.2) all connected to a D-Link DSL 504 router. I have connected the …

Member Avatar for thimk
Member Avatar for gruvnmove

Use a [B]Titanium G 4 867[/B] with[B] OSX 10.5.8 Leopard[/B]. After upgrading to Leopard operating system from Tiger I began having issues with my [B]ITunes[/B] hanging up on me. I don't know if this was a coincidence that this started shortly after installing Leopard or not. This problem arises when …

Member Avatar for richardtj
Member Avatar for gerbras123

From about three weeks ago, on only my most heavily used email account (it has around 75,000 emails in it and gets around 200 emails each day), I was only able to download 4 emails at a time. Then it would stop. I would click "Get Mail" and it would …

Member Avatar for macmad
Member Avatar for mesmer

I have a wireless network with a Verizon router running near an older PC in an upstairs bedroom. I use a newer Dell PC and a Dell laptop in a downstairs room, and get very good Internet connectivity with both these. Recently bought an AirPort Express Base Station N (AEBS) …

Member Avatar for joanna!

This summer I dropped my iPod in the pool. Since then,it sometimes turns on by itself and other times I can't get it to turn off. It also has an increasingly large amount of thin, horizontal lines running through the screen. I have tried re-setting it several times. Is there …

Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]16750[/ATTACH]Many new iPad addicts out there have certainly had the idea: It would be so great if there were an easy way to mount that thin tablet on your car's dash to use all those apps on the go. Now, one California start-up has announced it's making the dream come …

Member Avatar for Pinkyoga

I have a MacBookPro 13" and would like to purchase a Dell V715w Printer, but only if computer and printer are compatible (i.e. usable) with each other. Are they?

Member Avatar for Pinkyoga
Member Avatar for happygeek

OK, so Apple has done it again. Whipped the technology and consumer media up into a feeding frenzy that is. But has it delivered with the truly magical and revolutionary product that was promised? Er, no dude, not by a long shot and here (in no particular order) are 15 …

Member Avatar for Junyah
Member Avatar for spazzbecker

Hi Guys and Gals!! I'm looking at purchasing an MAC G4 800 MHZ here in the USA the thing is I'm moving to the UK in September will this work with 240V @ 50hz when USA is 110V @60hz ? I think it will work with just a new power …

Member Avatar for siena547
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

The economic news has been so bad of late, it's actually difficult to imagine that some businesses are profitable. It's easy to get sucked into the abyss of huge layoffs, high unemployment figures and generally negative fall-out from the economic meltdown, but in spite of all this, there are technology …

Member Avatar for rayfrank
Member Avatar for PCBrown

Apple's online store went down last night, a signal that new (updated) products are rolling off the assembly lines. They've beefed up the Mac Pro line of desktops, iMacs, and the Cinema Display, and introduced their mildly-anticipated, Magic Trackpad. [ATTACH]16157[/ATTACH][ATTACH=RIGHT]16155[/ATTACH]The Mac Pro's upgrade is long overdue and Apple certainly didn't …

Member Avatar for ed36 uk2008

hi all i have just got a mac g4 and when i run it it says it needs a user password is there any way of resetting this as i dont have the reinstall disk many thanks

Member Avatar for PCBrown

[B]Flash Support on the iPad Becomes Reality[/B] Comex, the programmer behind the user-friendly jailbreak tool, Spirit, has unleashed the source for his latest project, [URL="http://github.com/comex/frash"]Frash[/URL]. This little gem enables Flash support (sans video) on the iPad. Frash is still in the alpha stage, so if you run into problems, you …

Member Avatar for MyRedz
Member Avatar for idRATHERgoHUNT

i tried to update my ipod with new songs etc and i turned it on and it just says Do Not Disconnect.....It WONT GO FRIKING AWAY HELP NOW! :twisted:

Member Avatar for Helplease
Member Avatar for geoffairey

I currently use Time Machine to back up to a couple of USB drives. I would like something more robust and preferably LAN based to cover the three macs we have in the house. Time Capsule is the obvious recommendation, but I've ruled it our for a few reasons. 1) …

Member Avatar for macgurl70
Member Avatar for Goku103101

I have a PowerPC Dual 2.0Ghz Mac, every time I boot it up the fans kick in the hard drives spin up, but no signal, no red lights on, and no Power light either, it will light up if the power button is pressed but nothing after that. The red …

Member Avatar for macgurl70
Member Avatar for averageJoeBae

I have an 80GB iPod Classic (the one where the first screen is split with left half menu and right half cover artwork). I started having this problem after I resetted to factory settings from iTunes. It seems like the screen is zoomed in or something, like instead of seeing …

Member Avatar for jaddii
Member Avatar for MrEvanB

[ATTACH=RIGHT]15613[/ATTACH]Many iPhone users had a great deal of issues with AT&T since iPhone4 (which is 3G) was released last week. I don't want to get ahead of myself here but [URL="http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-06-29/verizon-wireless-said-to-get-iphone-in-january.html"]Bloomberg Business Week is reporting[/URL] that the iPhone will be available through Verizon Wireless come January 2011. It is not …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Many a gadget freak has claimed 'I would kill for an iPad' over the last few weeks, but as the world officially goes iPad crazy ask your self this: would you die for an iPad? That's the rather serious question being asked as the Chinese factory where the iPad is …

Member Avatar for remilt
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Apple has apparently shipped 3 million iPads. You'll be aware of that because you read the papers, the blogs, the press releases - and Apple is brilliant at telling everyone when it has a hit (I don't remember getting so much information when it was pushing the Newton). No doubt …

Member Avatar for diziizle
Member Avatar for newsguy

I got a gloating email today from those awfully clever folk at Wolfram Alpha which informed me that the iPhone app version of the '[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4111.html"]Computational Knowledge Engine[/URL]' popped up on the App Store What's Hot list. What's more, they positively gushed at how they were "pleasantly surprised" to see the …

Member Avatar for grey991

The End.