How to make your own cmd Programming Software Development by MasterHacker110 …; i++) { nmap(argv[i]); } } } that program takes in command line argumenst, mine is suppose to only take in user inputs. but… Re: Lets talk energy Community Center Geeks' Lounge by GrimJack … water into the atmosphere - most of the pro-/anti-ClimateChange argumenst focus on CO2 while atmospheric water vapor is a much… Re: How to make your own cmd Programming Software Development by NathanOliver Do you know how to use cin and cout? Have you heard of get() and/or getline()? Using those you can take anything in from the user you want in almost any way you want it. Generally what you should do is read in the entire line and then parse out the line into the comands and data that was provieded. Than you can go through the seperated data to … Re: How to make your own cmd Programming Software Development by MasterHacker110 i have heard of getline and cin and cout, never of get(). Hoe does it works?