2,878 Topics

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Member Avatar for patrickhannon86

I am trying to implement a half adder into my code. Does someone have this on hand? Your help is greatly appreciated?

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Cog7777

Hello im using masm to divide two numbers and get a divide overflow error once I execute the file. I don't see why I am getting that output when the quotient is not larger then 16 digits. Why am i getting a overflow error? Here is the code [code] title …

Member Avatar for Cog7777
Member Avatar for agrawalashishku

Hello Could someone Please give me an idea as to how should I try to play .wav file on an x86 using assembly language in Real mode at the computer startup. Basically at the time when OS has not yet booted. Thank you

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for gallantmon1

I have this kernel with the shell, and I'm trying to put the time and date commands in it but can't seem to make it work. It shows no error while compiling but it doesn't do anything when I test it. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here? …

Member Avatar for Evenbit
Member Avatar for dhiane_1112

Please Check my code!!! This is a Calendar Wizard in TASM. a program that when a user enter his birthday, the output must be his corresponding Zodiac sign and his horoscope. But i dont know where to compare the inputted month and date and what label i am going to …

Member Avatar for dhiane_1112
Member Avatar for whoknows101

I have a .exe application and the C++ source code. How do I, using command prompt view the turbo debugger and then view the assembly code for the file? Normally you would just do the following prompts: pth assemble convtemp link convtemp iofar convtemp td convtemp Than the debugger will …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Silo45

[code=assembly] mov ax,35000 mov bx,4096 div/idiv bh [/code] why is it that i get a dividle by zero error when i do this. What Ive done so far.. [b][u]DIV[/u][/b]: Please double check i might have messed up. ax = 88B8h bh = 10h [b][u]IDIV[/u][/b]: Please double check i might have …

Member Avatar for Silo45
Member Avatar for somers

I am looking for some help with the fibonacci in Mips. Yes, I am a student (part time). Yes, I have made an attempt which is below. Yes, I have tried looking for help, hence me finding this forum. I have the values for the previous value, $t3, and the …

Member Avatar for somers
Member Avatar for smithyluke

Will someone help me on how I should start this? I am trying to write a program that will find the average of a series of integers and store the result in the BX and AX registers. e.g Main array = 4, 1, 28, 11, 2, -28, -7 The result …

Member Avatar for virtual
Member Avatar for gomickle

I have been working on this assignment for couple weks (aling with my other classwork) and I couldn't get it anywhere, can any one help me doing it. Or can you at least tell me hints and tips toward resolving the program: the question is: The element selection problem is …

Member Avatar for MacGyver Orca
Member Avatar for loimarie

hi, can anybody give me an example of a memory resident program using assembly.I'm going to make it a reference for our project that is to produce a sound out from the pc's built-in speaker.please...

Member Avatar for loimarie
Member Avatar for degamer106

I was a little confused by the brief explanation that my Assembly teacher gave on pipelining. I don't think I really understand the process that well... 1) In a 4-stage non-pipelined processor, how many clock cycles does it take to execute 3 instructions? Assume each stage takes 1 clock cycle. …

Member Avatar for degamer106
Member Avatar for MaxwellD

A little help please. I have re-install my XP software and now I am attempting to connect to the Internet. When I open the Device Manager I cannot find the "? PCI Ethernet Controller" entry I expected to find. It was there earlier, but somehow when I was attempting to …

Member Avatar for iñaki_02

hi...is anyone there can help me how to make a code for the running lights using the parallel port of the computer. In our laboratory we just simply can turn on the lights one by one but the running lights....its very hard...thanks for the people who will answer my problem..

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex
Member Avatar for ivatanako

How can I change a mouse pointer color, i know that [code]mov ax, 1 int 33h[/code] show mouse pointer, how can i change the color of the box that follows the pointer?

Member Avatar for loimarie

pls help me create musical note using assembly language codes. can you please give me the right code to be use. hi,can anyone give me an asm code to create a melody of certain songs...asm codes use to produce a tone do,re,me,fa,so,la,ti,do...please...asap

Member Avatar for loimarie
Member Avatar for sbakca

Hi.if possible can somebody tell me how to make a start to write this pseudocode in LC3 assembly lang. thank you Pseudocode for PC Interpreter ======================================================================= subroutine execute(program_pointer) { while (true) { switch (the value at the program pointer) { case '.': Output the value at the data pointer as …

Member Avatar for sbakca

can anyone tell me how to write this in LC3 thanks [code=c] for (i=0, i < 3001, i++) { if (i == 0) A[i] = 0 A[i+1] = 0 else A[i] = i } for (i = 1, i < 30,i++) { for (i+i; j < 3001) { if (A[i] …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Evenbit

[url]http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=165727[/url] Version 2.3 of the StdLib is now on SourceForge. - Improvements: Linux support is now more complete. - Includes: Automated Test Suite The intention of this project is to support users of Randall Hyde's HLA (High Level Assembly) language who wish to maintain, extend, or evolve the HLA Standard …

Member Avatar for lb10111

I use nasm and I have the gnu linker. What I want to do is link my main program file with a file containing procedures and then output a flat binary file. Since I can't use nasm to make binary files with EXTERN's in the source I figured I could …

Member Avatar for lb10111
Member Avatar for Evenbit

[[ re-posted from the DesktopLinuxAsm mailing list ]] [url]http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DesktopLinuxAsm/[/url] << Here is a puzzle for assembler guru's and anyone who needs a diversion. Bill Gates has spent the last year working on a virus to destroy Linux. To complete his virus he needs the constant of -4 in eax. His …

Member Avatar for chubbywubba

i have to fill in this table and I am not sure how to fill in the rest. can anyone help? ignore the 1 0 d at the top

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for -EquinoX-

Okay so say I have an array which is like this: [code] .data values: .half -17 .half 16 .half 153 [/code] and I want to print it as -17 16 153 How do I do this?? If it is stored in a 4 byte of integer then it would be …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for ivatanako

Can I move the mouse pointer using the arrow keys with assembly? Is it possible? And if it is, can someone give a code or a snippet? I really have no clue. I know that [code]mov ax, 1 int 33h[/code] But how can I move it using the arrow keys?

Member Avatar for Evenbit

[url]http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=165727[/url] Version 2.2 of the StdLib is now on SourceForge. - Improvements: increases OS independance, performance, and design consistency. Accessible from other assemblers and other languages. - Includes: Automated Test Suite The intention of this project is to support users of Randall Hyde's HLA (High Level Assembly) language who wish …

Member Avatar for kahad

Hello! I'm trying to type a thing in MIPS code. It takes two integers n and m. Both must be between 1 and 10 inclusive. It tests the numbers and complains until the numbers meet the requirements. It then computes 1^m + 2^m + …. + n^m. For example. should …

Member Avatar for kahad
Member Avatar for arrogant

hi, please help using keil compiler for 80c51.. how to writ assembly program and compile iot in keil... please help.... :sad:

Member Avatar for sneha sirohi
Member Avatar for Kassis

Is there a way to do a vector of vectors in assembly? like this: vector1 is 1,2,3,4..10 vector2 is 7,8,9,6,5 and vector is vector1, vector2 is there a way?

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for cbalu

I need to read the [B][COLOR="Red"]BAR (Base Address Register) Length in PCI[/COLOR][/B]. How can i do that. I can able to find the Devices present in the PCI using the CF8 and CFC ports. But, how can i get length of the BAR Registers

Member Avatar for xenix

Hello all, I am trying to load a 32bit data (word) from the PortB of a BRAM to a GPR (general purpose register) of the PowerPC. Address Map for Processor ppc405_0 (0b0000010000-0b0000010011) ppc405_0 (0b0000100000-0b0000100011) ppc405_0 (0xa0008000-0xa000ffff) docm_cntlr docm (0xffff8000-0xffffffff) iocm_cntlr iocm i am using the LWZ command like LWZ r1, …


The End.