AStar (A*) implementation in pacman game, many errors! :( Programming Software Development by Erra93 AStar code: [code] path.Clear( ); // Rensa listan, när GeneratePath-metoden … 8 Puzzle using A_star with Manhattan heuristic Programming Software Development by endsamsara … class [ICODE] import java.util.Vector; public class EightPuzzle extends AStar{ // constructor public EightPuzzle(Node i, Node g) { // initnode = i;… = new EightPuzzle(in, go); a.solve(); //this function is in AStar is this ok ?? */ } // } // END EightPuzzle class [/ICODE] Ok , ¡ … Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException error Programming Software Development by Fou7a … { public static void main(String[] args) { AStar solution = new AStar(new Maze(new String[] { "S X …Override public String toString() { return Spath.toString(); } } class AStar { final Maze finalMaze; private Queue<Path> Qpath;… private Path shortestPath; public AStar(Maze maze) { this.finalMaze = maze; this.Qpath … Help me to run this program Programming Software Development by begueradj … jbASTARActionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { initGame(); ASTAR astar=new ASTAR(); jbDFS.setEnabled(false); jbBFS.setEnabled…; } else return false; } } class ASTAR extends Thread //A* search class { public void… COCOS2D help needed Programming Game Development by Dave_5 …CGPoint)dst; - (CGImageRef) newPathTile; @end @implementation AStar @synthesize collideKey; @synthesize collideValue; @synthesize considerDiagonalMovement; @synthesize… tiledMapWithTMXFile:@"NewMap.tmx"]; _pathFinder = [[AStar alloc] initWithTileMap:_tileMap groundLayer:@"Collision"]; … Array in two different class Programming Software Development by pore …static void eightPuzzleAStarDemo() { System.out .println("\nEightPuzzleDemo AStar Search (MisplacedTileHeursitic)-->"); try { Problem problem = … static void eightPuzzleAStarManhattanDemo() { System.out .println("\nEightPuzzleDemo AStar Search (ManhattanHeursitic)-->"); try { Problem problem = … Re: Array in two different class Programming Software Development by quuba … eightPuzzleAStarDemo(EightPuzzleBoard random1) {// little change System.out.println("\nEightPuzzleDemo AStar Search (MisplacedTileHeursitic)-->"); try { Problem problem = new Problem(random1… Re: Array in two different class Programming Software Development by pore … static void eightPuzzleAStarDemo(EightPuzzleBoard intArray) { System.out .println("\nEightPuzzleDemo AStar Search (MisplacedTileHeursitic)-->"); try { Problem problem = new Problem(intArray… Re: Array in two different class Programming Software Development by quuba …); } static void eightPuzzleAStarDemo(EightPuzzleBoard random1) { System.out.println("\nEightPuzzleDemo AStar Search (MisplacedTileHeursitic)-->"); try { Problem problem = new Problem(random1… Question on A star for shortest path Programming Game Development by toucan … wrong? [CODE]/ A* algorithm wikipedia public ArrayList<OrderedCoordinatePair> aStar(int irow, int icol, int frow, int fcol) { // The set… A (*) star algorithm too slow Programming Software Development by racumin … faster? This is my code: [CODE] stack<Node*> AStar::generatePath(Node *start, Node *end, MyMap *map) { Node*** grid = map… BFS implementation Programming Software Development by Ana_Developer …("Enter: file name, links file, algorithm name(bfs/dfs/astar), closed list(Y/N), depth to search, id of the… Compilation error related to lists/queue Programming Software Development by Ana_Developer …("Enter: file name, links file, algorithm name(bfs/dfs/astar), closed list(Y/N), depth to search, id of the… A* path finding algorithm Programming Software Development by euclid135 … helper function called // AddSuccessor to give the successors to the AStar class. The A* specific initialisation // is done for each node… Monitor won't align right Hardware and Software Hardware by Mikhaillost So I am using a big screen Astar tv for a computer screen. The problem is, on the … Using “Late-Binding” in XNA 4.0 and the importance of Interfaces Programming Game Development by berben11 … of code base from the original program; for example, the ‘AStar’ pathfinding component or the ‘Minimap’ component. This allows the main… Java codings for AI Programming Software Development by Chamath Hi, If anyone knows about the source code of [LIST=1] [*][U][B]Depth first search [*]Breadth First search [*]Best First search [*]AStar[/B][/U] [/LIST] Please give me the code. Thank you. Re: Java codings for AI Programming Software Development by Sadun89 Those are related to Tree & Graph Data Structures...(Graph and tree search algorithms;without "AStar").. I dnt knw how to use for AI programs bcz of my less knowledge.. Heuristic for solving the Sokoban problem Programming Software Development by hpre What is the best heuristic for solving the Sokoban problem (using astar and gbfs)? can you show me an exsample for the implementation? A* Pathfinding. Programming Software Development by DarkLightning7 … line by line match. Here is my code: public Stack AStar(int[] start, int[] end){ ArrayList<int[]> closedSet = new… Data Structures for mapping Programming Software Development by DarkLightning7 … for each chunk where it is easy to search with AStar and Dijkstra and only a portion of the chunks may… Re: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException error Programming Software Development by Fou7a …{ public static void main(String[] args) { AStar solution = new AStar(new Maze(new String[] { "S X…public String toString() { return Spath.toString(); } } class AStar { final Maze finalMaze; private Queue<Path> Qpath;… Re: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException error Programming Software Development by Fou7a …( at Maze.getSteps( at AStar.find( at MiFoMaze.main(… Re: A* Implementation Problem Programming Software Development by Nexgr …; min) { min = set[i].f; pos = i; } } return pos; } int aStar (node start, node goal, int lb[rows][columns]) { //load the… Re: AStar (A*) implementation in pacman game, many errors! :( Programming Software Development by Momerath Well, you aren't following the A* method exactly. At the start there should only be one node in your test path (the starting node). You add nodes to the test path only if they don't exist in the closed list. It's hard to tell what you are doing since it looks like you convert everything to strings, then convert everything back from strings. You … Re: 8 Puzzle using A_star with Manhattan heuristic Programming Software Development by endsamsara Well now I´m trying to do the estimate and successors classes with all possible cases, this is for the successors we have 123 when the blank is in the position where the 1 OR 3 OR 7 OR 0 are in the example 456 the blank can be moved in 2 ways 780 I mean the first case is when the 6 is switched by 0 123 450 786 other case… Re: 8 Puzzle using A_star with Manhattan heuristic Programming Software Development by endsamsara MMM its getting harder than I thought Re: 8 Puzzle using A_star with Manhattan heuristic Programming Software Development by VernonDozier Hi, Do you have a specific question on how to code these algorithms in Java, or is this a game theory question where you have some algorithms but aren't sure how to use them to solve your puzzle/problem? In other words, in order to offer you help, do we need to research the Manhattan heuristic first and learn it or could someone who knows Java … Re: 8 Puzzle using A_star with Manhattan heuristic Programming Software Development by endsamsara need help in coding this in java dont know how to run this Re: 8 Puzzle using A_star with Manhattan heuristic Programming Software Development by ahyeek Why not refer to [URL=""][/URL] Implementation include various concepts in search techniques. Sample program available for download and test at: [URL=""]AI 8-puzzle (8 Puzzle) solver[/URL] Quote …