Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani … our traffic or revenue (currently we don't come anywhere close to paying monthly hosting costs). How Build Html form ? Programming by Kirubel_2 …left;margin-top: 10px;margin-bottom:30px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;background: #fff;" > <div class=&…Lucida Sans Unicode', Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; } .close-btn { position: absolute; right: 20px; top: 15px; background-color: #ae4732fe… Re: How Build video-player in html And css ? Programming by Kirubel_2 …repeat: no no-repeat; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: auto; } .body2{ height: 100%; width: 100%; background: rgb…; } footer{ width: 100%; padding-bottom: 26px; margin-bottom: auto; color: rgb(100, 83, 83); font-family: 'Gill Sans… Auto-close a child CMD window when idle Programming Software Development by marky-b … prompt, and i was curious if it is possible to auto-close that child cmd window when it's done doing whatever… Context Menu Auto Close doesnt work for me Programming Software Development by domino.vbcoder … a context menu associated with a control and i have auto close set to false but now my context menu wont show… control activate the context menu make several selections and then close the menu by using the mouse leave event handler. any… Re: Auto-close a child CMD window when idle Programming Software Development by vb5prgrmr Well first off, how would you tell if this program is done? If you know the answer to that, switch your code to ShellExecute API and WaitForSingleObject API... Good Luck Re: Auto-close a child CMD window when idle Programming Software Development by marky-b So i solved my problem by writing out the "ffmpeg.exe -params" to a batch file and using WScript.Shell .Run to execute the batch file. Works like a charm. [Help]How can i make my program auto "Inject" .dll file to other program? Programming Software Development by anhtanh95 Hello everyone! I'm learning how to make my program auto inject file "bypass.dll" to "MapleStory.exe&… is current running.I had try to make my program auto run file "winject.exe", but i don't… know how to make winject.exe auto inject file "bypass.dll" then auto close after inject complete. Is there have… DatagramSocket auto-close? Programming Software Development by Cudmore … gist. My problem is that I haven't implmented mySocket.close() anywhere, because more than one thread uses the socket and… I can't close it while others still need it. It's complicated, but… is already used --- so I can tell it didn't close after the previous instance of the application had exited. Can… wxMessageBox with an auto-close timer in wxPython Programming Software Development by imperialguy … is destroyed. I want to be to able to automatically close the dialog box and go to the next line in… Re: Auto marking of solved threads as solved. Community Center Meta DaniWeb by John A Auto-marking threads as solved would defeat the purpose of having the 'solved' feature in the first place. I don't want to know if a thread has been active within the last 3 months, I want to know if the issue was resolved. Re: how can i make a window close itself after running the php code Programming Web Development by SKANK!!!!! … and closing. He might get worried :) Anyway, just some thoughts. Close this thread if you are done with it please.[/QUOTE… using the same thing which is the open page then auto close this delete button is on the message page itself. which… Auto-populate textbox question Programming Software Development by renzlo …combo box, the textbox will be auto-filled up with the corresponding SPIDOM …;EMP_ID" ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = -1 MyConnection.Close() Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.ToString) …System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Me.Close() Me.Dispose() End Sub Private Sub… Re: Auto increment proble... Programming Software Development by mrnileshagrawal … front end. in one of my table i have a auto increment field.(for ex:orderid). Please tell me how can… i insert new row to the table with auto increment field. Thanking you,[/QUOTE] Hi friend .. just imagin ur…(0) End While TextBox1.Text=Val(TextBox1.Text) + 1 dr.close() cn.close() End Sub Auto marking of solved threads as solved. Community Center Meta DaniWeb by verruckt24 … to make over here is, can't we have some auto-marking mechanism for threads which identifies the time the last…-return could be safely taken as a green signal to close the "issue". Because it means one of the… the thread solved. I am sure that this decision of auto-marking would be correct on the community/forum's part… auto generate Programming Software Development by Danny_501 … 2008 and there fore most of the code has been auto generated for me which includes the insert, delete and update… and what i have read vb is ment to also auto generate this which it is not. the funny thing is… that i can close the program down and reload it (as long as i… Re: Auto Generate ID in vb6 Programming Software Development by PoisonedHeart … in a separate table, then when you will auto increment the values, you will have to open… ENd With jumphere: With rsEmployeeTable If .State = adStateOpen then .Close .Open "Select * from tblEmployee" .Sort = "… NOTE: Due to data integrity and security, the auto increment features of DBMS are these types, wherein, … Re: auto number ! urgent !! Programming Software Development by lianpiau …comm.ExecuteNonQuery(); lblMessage.Text = ("Successful Insert!!!"); con.Close(); timer1.Enabled = true; } else { comm.Parameters.AddWithValue….ExecuteNonQuery(); lblMessage.Text = ("Successful Insert!!!"); con.Close(); } [/CODE] All I see is one statement has… a few records, they will auto generate LoadingNo and RecNo Auto complete suggestion gives suggestion in a sigle line Programming Web Development by Mohsin AITS ….When i first time implemented auto complete suggestion it work properly …da.Fill(ds); } catch { } finally { cn.Close(); } dt = ds.Tables[0]; List<string>… Re: auto number ! urgent !! Programming Software Development by Mitja Bonca … from id: int numberID = Convert.ToInt32(newID.Remove(0, 3)); //auto-increment to get new id: numberID++; //now we have to… Re: auto number ! urgent !! Programming Software Development by lianpiau … from id: int numberID = Convert.ToInt32(newID.Remove(0, 3)); //auto-increment to get new id: numberID++; //now we have to… Re: auto login script help need please Programming Software Development by ov3rcl0ck … work, even with cookies, I've used this before to auto login, works perfectly [CODE]import urllib2,urllib o = urllib2.build_opener…", p) f.close() #now to request something while logged in use this #f… Auto generate ID Number Programming Software Development by ahmbil i want to auto generate an ID like 1, 2, 3. and anytime i close my application and open it again it should start from the Id it stopped. if i enter up to 6 the next one should be 7. Can anybody help me? Re: Auto marking of solved threads as solved. Community Center Meta DaniWeb by John A … to be highly discouraged, to the point that we would close threads that got bumped, but Dani disagreed and said that… Auto IP ban after 1 visit Programming Web Development by tallon … you're banned and sends me an email. <?php // * Auto IP Ban Script - v1.0 * // * Author: Inque187 * // * Date: (c) Oct…></center></body></html>'; // Close the .htaccess file - all done. Auto fill-up and submit a website form Programming Software Development by intes2010 … Headers to retrieve the needed data for my program to auto fill-up the website. Here is my code: Dim postData… Stream = postReq.GetRequestStream() postreqstream.Write(byteData, 0, byteData.Length) postreqstream.Close() the website form i want to fill up and submit… Auto complete Query filter not working Programming Software Development by Rogel_1 …item_model in my receiving_details table were being suggested in auto complete but as you can see in my query…txtITEM_MODEL.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(r.Item(0).ToString) Next SQLconn.Close() Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString) End… auto generation of id in visual basic 6.0 Programming Software Development by Sn hey guys i have a code for auto generation of id in my project... when i add another … As Integer Call clear If rs1.State = 1 Then rs1.Close Else rs1.Open "select * from empdetails", con, adOpenDynamic… Auto File Rename while Uploading - For Example: 00004001, 00004002, 0000400 Programming Web Development by Divyansh_5 …, so that if any New File is uploaded it should auto increment in a series. For Example: 00004001, 00004002, 00004003.... and… &#128558</p> "; } else { echo ""; } // close the FTP stream ftp_close($conn_id); ?> Re: Auto generate ID Number Programming Software Development by K.Vanlalliana …last number and then add one number for a new auto number and then update the last number in the Autonumber… Table again. In this way, you can simply make auto number. eg. lastno=Last number stored in the table lastno…=Val(lastno)+1 You can Save the Last Auto number using database table or using Text File.