6 Topics

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Member Avatar for Johannes C.

**Step into a future where every action has a price and algorithms decide your societal value: As technology evolves at an unprecedented pace, this dystopian vision postulates that our every move, preference, and even emotion could be quantified, analyzed, and commodified — prompting us to question if we're the users …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to the [URL="http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/politics/article4969312.ece"]Sunday Times[/URL] today, anyone in the UK who wants to buy a mobile phone will need to produce a valid passport as a form of ID soon. The story is wrapped around the planned introduction of a national database to help combat crime and terrorism. The proposed …

Member Avatar for JohnPhil123
Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

Telecommuters are among the luckiest employees out there: we can eat donuts during conference calls (use the mute button, please!), lay our heads on our desks when the mood strikes, and can show up to work in a canary-yellow caftan and no one is the wiser. That is, unless your …

Member Avatar for happygeek

According to the UK government, new proposals within the [URL="http://www.commonsleader.gov.uk/output/page2461.asp"]Communications Data Bill[/URL] are being put forward in order to prevent and detect crime as well as protect national security. The government argues that unless legislation is amended to reflect changes in technology, the ability of public authorities to counter criminal …

Member Avatar for Cybulski
Member Avatar for happygeek

Many years ago, during a press visit to Microsoft HQ in Seattle, I was given relative freedom to wander around the Redmond campus. Of course, there were some areas that were strictly out of bounds. Areas like the one which was entered via the 'Cryogenics Lab' door for example. At …

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Member Avatar for MktgRob

WebProNews reported on Friday (link below) that Twitter was going to be launching a feature that makes the service location aware. Basically, you can choose to have your tweets mapped by longitude and latitude. The possible benefits seem to be twofold. Initially, as a follower you can choose to follow …

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The End.