209 Topics

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Member Avatar for GFX010

Greetings, I have a User Control called: Share.ascx I have a page called: News.aspx In News.aspx I created a ModalPopupExtender, then I addeda Panel and inside the Panel I added the User Control: Share.ascx so that when the Popup Extender is called the Panel with the User Control is displayed. …

Member Avatar for GFX010

Hello, I have an image in one of my project folders: Lets say its in: ~/App_Themes/Default/images/SomeImage.png I want to load this image into a System.Drawing.Image, how do I do that? If I try using the FromFile method of the Image class: Image img = Image.FromFile("~/App_Themes/Default/images/SomeImage.png", true); I get a "FileNotFoundException". …

Member Avatar for GFX010
Member Avatar for shajis001

Hello, After a long time am back to coding,Actually i want to create a calculator ,it will work like drag and drop the text file to the RICHTEXTBOX and i want to get the output on the TEXTBOX1. It will come like randomly " 12+13-7+8-23+7 " like this on 123.txt …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for GFX010

Greetings to all, I have two functions: Function 1: ImageToByteArray: Is used to Convert an Image into a Byte Array and then Store in an Oracle Database, in a BLOB Field. public byte[] ImageToByteArray(string sPath) { byte[] data = null; FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(sPath); long numBytes = fInfo.Length; FileStream …

Member Avatar for apals

Hello, i am working on a section of a project, that uses large number of sum methods. These sum methods are applied on a Datatable To test the best method, i use the following **Datatable structure** Class ParseLog { public DataTable PGLStat_Table = new DataTable(); public LogParser() { PGLStat_Table.Columns.Add("type", typeof(string)); …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for desup

Hi, I've got 2 forms, after click on the button I'm hiding first and showing second.. How to put the second form to the same location as first one? I've tried: MMenu m = new MMenu(); // MMenu is the first form this.Width = m.Width; //Width and Height lines are …

Member Avatar for desup
Member Avatar for game4tress

I've an application build with C# and WPF, that is being developed by 3 developers, including me. On a certain stage of the application, an error came up that we can't determine how it happened and how to solve it, so we ask for your help. Although everything works well …

Member Avatar for nmaillet
Member Avatar for apals

Hello friends, I am working an a section of application which needs to Parse CSV Logs generated by PostgreSql server. - The Logs are stored C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.0\data\pg_log - The Server version in 9.0.4 - The application is developed in C Sharp * The basic utility after Parse the Log is …

Member Avatar for apals
Member Avatar for dimitros

I have a project in visual studio 2010 and i use c# and asp.I want to use a part of code that uses dll files.I don't know to import the dll to my project. I do know for example,how to use css and javascript: But i think for dll is …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for f.sh

actually, i'm developing dynamic template using asp.net and c#. in my usercontrol page i have a listview which is include dynamically created table. once the user edited any of the rows and press the save button before the PageLoad or PageInit i want to execute the ItemUpdating function to save …

Member Avatar for f.sh

actually i'm developing web template using asp.net and c#. i have mainTemp.aspx page which is include usercontrol page. in my usercontrol i have a listview which in this listview i have to create dynamic table inside the ItemTemplate based on a XML file. my listview code including the ItemTemplate is: …

Member Avatar for f.sh

Actually i'm creating web template using asp.net and c#. in my user control page i have to create the table dynamically. i just read the data from XML file then retrieve the name and number of columns and rows of each table. while i'm creating the table i assign the …

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Member Avatar for aravind_aravind

This gives me error..how to solve this... class nameex { public object call() { dynamic expando = new ExpandoObject(); var p = expando as IDictionary<String, object>; p["Demo"] = "New val 1"; } } } class de { dynamic n = new nameex(); x.call(); n.Demo = "Welcome"; Console.WriteLine(n.Demo); }

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for dwayned

HI I am using - ASP.Net - C# - SQL Server Express 2008 R2 I have a table called customers which contains all customer details and a stored procedure which gets: - Total No Of Customers - Total No Of Customers in Region1 - Total No Of Customers in Region2 …

Member Avatar for suzaine
Member Avatar for jackbauer24

What is the difference between "[CODE]return[/CODE]" and "[CODE]messageBox.Show("whatever")[/CODE]"? Also explain(efforts will be appreciated): What does [CODE]retern[/CODE] do?

Member Avatar for EBS.VivekGupta
Member Avatar for techunk

I am trying to develop (on c#) a Point of Sale program(deployed on machine 1), with integrated kitchen display system(deployed on machine 2). I pretty much have an idea how to develop the individual programs, however, I haven't tried integrating thee machines (to function as one) before. Here's a brief …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for ara_tul87

Is there anyway to optimized application performance? I already try to change setting at [B]Visual Studio 2005[/B] and tick [B]Optimized code[/B] at application properties on [B]Build[/B] section. When I tested and deploy the application at my Windows Mobile device, it seem does't have much different. I want to make the …

Member Avatar for mmazeemahmad

Hi all, i have a scenario in which there are two subscribed users (to database) in my web app.......now if one of it wants to send a message (just like mail but not sms) to another without using any email account...... but with the help of that website and some …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for anaisthitos2

Is there a way to call a visiblox chart that created with c# code in wpf? Let's say that i have created a chart like : [CODE]private Chart CreateNewChart(int num_chart, string chartName) { Chart newChart = new Chart(); newChart.Name = "Chart_"+num_chart; newChart.Title = chartName; newChart.Width = 600; newChart.Height = 120; …

Member Avatar for AurosGamma

Hello there. I'm making a simple Pacman game because I'm practicing C# (I've never programmed in C# before), but I ran into a problem. Here is my code: [CODE]void addGhost(object sender, EventArgs ea) { Random random = new Random(); int ghostNum = random.Next(5); // Here I use and enum I've …

Member Avatar for surajrai

Hi All, I am trying to understand shift operator which is used in my project. What I came to know from google is that Bit shifting allows for compact storage of similar data as a single integral value. But how does that work. and what is the advantage. Can you …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for shilpa_gurnani

I have an UltraGrid Where Each cells Contains UltraControlContainerEditor inside that we have a UltraPanel and UltraPanel Contains UltraCheckEditor.All these Controls m creating Dynamically and are added as EditingControl. In short I have controls inside cell of the ultragrid. Now I want to knw Whether my checkbox is checked or …

Member Avatar for csharp_user

Hi, Im new at C# and im trying to make a booking system where i have a combobox on the first form. From that form i have to choose 1 out of 3 items. Depending on which item i choose i will come to another form. How can i get …

Member Avatar for csharp_user
Member Avatar for geekman92

hi i am trying to make a program that whilst ingame (magicka if anyone is interested) reads what is pressed on the keyboard and the simulates a combination of keyboard key down and keyboar key up and mouse press. eg if i press NumPad0 it would simulate Key Press A, …

Member Avatar for cybereality
Member Avatar for varoluscu_prens

Hi there; I am planning to create a program. There are 700 hosts and 1 server. Hosts will send status information to server,these information is related with my business logic. Server will process these information. There are two different ways to do this, creating a c# application (for server side …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for frost1

My problem is, I've just started with C# and i was given a problem to solve by my teacher... here is the code... [CODE] { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int[] a = new int[20]; Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for Mullaly

Hi, I am a newbie to C# and OOP.. I need some advice regarding my requirement.. 1st Part: There are persons who use mobiles, of many subscribers and also have many numbers in each subscribers. If we consider the XML tags it would be [CODE]<Persons> <PersonName1>XXX</PersonName1><Subscriber1><SubscriberName>ABC</SubscriberName> <Numbers><one>123456</one><two>123456</two>....<twenty>20</twenty></Numbers></Subscriber1><Subscriber2><SubscriberName>ABC</SubscriberName> <Numbers><one>123456</one><tow>123456</two>....<twenty>20</twenty></Numbers><Subscriber2> </Persons>[/CODE] Like …

Member Avatar for reactivated

I'm using Visual C# Express 2010, on Windows XP SP3. I took pain to define the var collBlock in the class directly, however, when I try to use it, it works once and then NOT. Google searched all and tried a lot of solution. Error stil comes up. The code …

Member Avatar for reactivated
Member Avatar for pxndx

Ok so i have this little problem, i have to find all the elements in an array that are duplicates ex:{1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,6} 1 repeats it self 3 times and 2 two times things like that this is what i have so far... [CODE] static void Main(string[] args) { int contador = …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for ©lick

Hi. I'm making small application what will do c++ programs compiling easier. I have this code: [CODE]System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\\Alps\\compiler\\H-i586-cygwin32\\bin\\g++.exe", "-c Main.cpp -o main.o ");[/CODE] This code should start [CODE]g++.exe[/CODE] with arguments [CODE]-c Main.cpp -o main.o[/CODE] for compiling main cpp file to o file. Can you see any error in my code? Why …

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The End.