48,986 Topics

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//challenge,, fix this! [code=cplusplus] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { struct job{ int at; int bt; }; struct job J[80], cpy[80], temp, cpy2[80]; int q, oh, jbn, x, y, z, t, ref=0, tt[80]; again: clrscr(); textcolor(YELLOW); gotoxy(20,5); cprintf("*** ROUND ROBIN WITH OVERHEAD ALGORITHM ***"); textcolor(10); gotoxy(5,7); cprintf("How many jobs do you …

Member Avatar for bhoot_jb
Member Avatar for san_sarangkar

Hi, Please help me doing Program for "Game of life". Here is the link for that: [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway%27s_Game_of_Life[/url]

Member Avatar for Freaky_Chris
Member Avatar for ChroNoS

I am develping a program to create an rtf file.The rtf file will be having images in it that will form a border around the page. Here is the code so far: [ICODE] #include "rtflib.h" #include "globals.h" #include "errors.h" void main() { // Set RTF document font and color table …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for DanDaMan

Now, we all know that // makes a comment. But I have a question about the compiling of the program? Say you were to make a comment with a whole bunch of underscores to signify a different section of code. Does the amount of comments written in the source code …

Member Avatar for Denniz
Member Avatar for Asen

I'm a beginer in OpenGl. I downloaded glut 3.7.6 package but I didn't find glu.h, glaux.h, opengl.h, opengl32.h and gl.h in there. Where can I get it ? And if I've found it, how to set it so it can work well. I'm using VC++ 2008 Express. Please tell me …

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Member Avatar for lomo

Write a complete function: DNA represented as a list of the alphabet letters A, C, G and T. How many times the sequence ACG occurs in a specific DNA string. (An example: If the list is CACGTTGCGTACGAA, then the number of occurrences of ACG will be 2.) Write function nrACGOccur. …

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Member Avatar for B_Acs

I am at the end of my first term in my C++ classes. I have managed well so far, but this program is completely frustrating me! Please help me figure what to do. Okay my assignment is kind of complicated for me.....here is what I am supposed to do, followed …

Member Avatar for STUDENT#101
Member Avatar for patricksquare

//can someone debug this program,,, thanks,,, [code=cplusplus] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define N 100 struct processors //PROCESS ATTRIBUTES// { float burst; float arrival; int priority; int num; }p[20],temp; struct ssss { int no; int xx; float arr; float burst; float ww; int pri; float wait; }process[N]; void main() { …

Member Avatar for stilllearning
Member Avatar for EBaller55

I am using Visual C++ 2005 with SP1 why does the following code generate a compiler error (error C2062: type 'int' unexpected)? [code] for(int i=0,int j=0;i<5;i++,j++){} [/code] Note the following two variations generate no compile error [code] int i,j; for(i=0,j=0;i<5;i++,j++){} [/code] [code] int j; for(int i=0,j=0;i<5;i++,j++){} [/code] Is this just …

Member Avatar for ArkM
Member Avatar for Linking_90

Hi, I was hoping that someone could give me some direction with how to solve this probem. The only info in this problem is word has N digits[only digits] and the numbers (output) should be in increasing order example 1469 or 468 The output should give all combinations in the …

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Member Avatar for MylesDBaker

Hello everyone, I am having a really difficult time getting this program off of the ground. I need to use a while loop to read data from a file and then read tonnage numbers corresponding to names read in from that file. The assignment looks something like this: [I]After watching …

Member Avatar for MylesDBaker
Member Avatar for justinlake888

what is a global variable? is that when the variables are located outside of int ()??

Member Avatar for dmanw100
Member Avatar for rishabh2011

hi everyone, I am making a textpad(basic textfile creator) in c++(console). It can create text files and then load them. But the problem is that when we load a file it can only show the data but not edit it or write further data. How do I code such that …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for blaze5488

What is suppose to happen is that I am suppose to take a string like "Micheal Jordan" and reverse it and return it with a comma after the last name. like "Jordan, Micheal" but that is not what i am getting can you help please. I have also included the …

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Member Avatar for PPP1

Hello, I am little bit confuse for c and c++. All loops are same in both the languages so why they are different for each other?

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Se7Olutionyg

[CODE]// file: PayrollFunctions.cpp // Computes and displays gross pay and net pay given an hourly // rate and number of hours worked. Deducts union deus of $15 // if gross salary exceeds $100; otherwise,deducts no dues. #include <iostream> using namespace std; // Functions used... void instructUser(); float computeGross (float, float); …

Member Avatar for stilllearning
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

I know how to declare a 1D vector like below but how do you declare a 2D vector ? [code] List<String^>^ Vec1 = gcnew List<String^>(); [/code]

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Member Avatar for nrew

can somebody help me?Im a 1st yr. college student taking up IT. And we have this case study that I cant seem to answer on my own so I decided to join daniweb. The program that Im referring to is a slum book simulating program. Where you need to enter …

Member Avatar for bhoot_jb
Member Avatar for Stringman

I receive this error message: "[COLOR="Red"]error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'char' to 'char [50]'[/COLOR]" when this statement: [COLOR="red"]name_sel = *name [ name_int ];[/COLOR] or this statement: [COLOR="red"]name_sel = name [ name_int ];[/COLOR] is compiled. The context for this is the declaration of an array of names (character strings) …

Member Avatar for bhoot_jb
Member Avatar for JustLearning

First let me describe the program All it does is pull in some chars and stores them in a linked list of stacks. I have the code written to pull them in but when I need to print them I dont know how to go backwards without deleting the node. …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for Se7Olutionyg

[CODE]//file: sticfigure.cpp //Draw a stick figure (main function only 0 # include <iostream> using namespace std; // Functions used ... void drawCircle (); void drawTriangle(); void drawIntersect(); void drawBase(); int main() { drawCircle(); drawTriangle(); drawIntersect(); return 0; } //Draws a circle void drawCircle() { cout<< " * " <<endl; cout<< …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for Barvik

Hi, i've trying to make a program that reads data for a matrix and print the data for it. I can get the ostream operator to work, however the istream operator wont work. Any got some ideas to help me sort out the istream operator: This is my header file: …

Member Avatar for grumpier
Member Avatar for dulusementara

I tried to write my code, and it looks like something like this (i cut some of them to make it readable). [CODE]class TimeSeriesDatum { public: TimeSeriesDatum(); //TimeSeriesDatum( double = 0, int = 0, string = ""); TimeSeriesDatum( double, int, string ); // getter, setter... private: double value; }; // …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for happy8899

How for me to create gaussian noise to be put into images where the gaussian noise have several level of noise. Eg) i can select 10% until 100% for the level of gaussian noise to be inserted into the images.

Member Avatar for dougy83
Member Avatar for happy8899

Can anyone help me by telling me where to find twofish source code other than from scheinier website?? I just want to find a sample source code of encrytion and decrytion using twofish algorithm. Thx a lot for the help..

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for JackDurden

Im just getting garbage in the output. It outputs the correct number of items but its not the right numbers. Im not sure why it is happening. The text file just has numbers like this: 12 34 56 34 67 23 64 23 [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; …

Member Avatar for JackDurden
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

Ok I'm doing my final project for my Data Structures class and have a quick question. This hasn't come up in any of my programming classes yet (which now that I think about it, is kind of odd but oh well). What I'm having to do is write an interactive …

Member Avatar for RayvenHawk
Member Avatar for JackDurden

How do I get the data from file into the Insert function? Or more general how do you get data from a file and put it into a linked list? [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; class List { public: void Insert(); void Print(); }; struct node { int …

Member Avatar for jadedman

hello can anyone tell what header file should i use in making graphics in c++? im starting to make graphics work in my programs and im a newbie... :)

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Member Avatar for TheBeast32

Hi, I'm need to be able to load bitmaps, preferably as resources, draw them, and get their size. How would I do this? I'm on Windows, and using Dev-C++


The End.