Re: Capitalize letter in string to output... Should be a pretty easy solution! Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon >>capitalize the first letter of each word they type in, One way to do it would be to use strtok() to find each work then toupper() to change the first character to upper case. strtok() modifies the original string so you will want to make a copy of the string before doing anything with it. Re: Capitalize first word of a sentence Programming Software Development by corby … punctuation mark ie: know!" my code so far will capitalize the first letter of every word and makes the rest… lowercase. Any tips on how to capitalize only the start of a sentence ? [CODE]void reformat(string… only exception is that this new for loop will only capitalize the first word....your quite close to finishing Capitalize first word of a sentence Programming Software Development by bbrradd I need to capitalize the first word of each sentence from a text file … punctuation mark ie: know!" my code so far will capitalize the first letter of every word and makes the rest… lowercase. Any tips on how to capitalize only the start of a sentence ? [CODE]void reformat(string… Re: Capitalize first word of a sentence Programming Software Development by badpb [QUOTE=bbrradd;1185565]I need to capitalize the first word of each sentence from a text file … punctuation mark ie: know!" my code so far will capitalize the first letter of every word and makes the rest… lowercase. Any tips on how to capitalize only the start of a sentence ? [CODE]void reformat(string… Capitalize sentences in a string. Programming Software Development by Yeen I've been trying to figure out how to capitalize all the sentences in a string. In the string [CODE]…], thus allowing me to use the much easier [I]str.capitalize()[/I]. I've been trying to read up on advanced… Re: Capitalize sentences in a string. Programming Software Development by jlm699 …;> rtn = re.split('([.!?] *)', a) >>> ''.join([each.capitalize() for each in rtn]) "This is the test string… = [] >>> for each in rtn: ... str_pieces.append(each.capitalize()) ... >>> ''.join(str_pieces) "This is the test… Re: Capitalize first word of a sentence Programming Software Development by WaltP What constitutes the end of a sentence? Look for it and set a flag for [I]EndOfSentence[/I]. Then next letter you find, capitalize it and clear [I]EndOfSentence[/I]. Re: Capitalize first char of every word in input string Programming Software Development by John A … problem you're going to have is that you only capitalize after spaces. What about the starting word in the string…, including the first word. All you have to do is capitalize the first character of each string that strtok() spits out… Capitalize first char of every word in input string Programming Software Development by IwalkAlone Q. WAPC to read a string into an aaray and capitalize the first character of every word in the input. Solution … Re: Capitalize first char of every word in input string Programming Software Development by Narue … the optional newline */ buffer[strcspn ( buffer, "\n" )] = '\0'; /* Capitalize the first letter of every word */ for ( ; ; ) { /* Ignore spans of… Capitalize first letter of word Programming Software Development by roxanne14 … in address format, but I have no idea how to capitalize all the letters that need to be uppercase. This is… Capitalize letter in string to output... Should be a pretty easy solution! Programming Software Development by nelledawg … description. I would like to take the product description and capitalize the first letter of each word they type in, so… Re: Capitalize letter in string to output... Should be a pretty easy solution! Programming Software Development by nelledawg I add that but then it still doesn't capitalize the first letter of each word inputted. What am I … Re: CAPITALIZE WORD Programming Web Development by diafol … word uppercase or just the first letter of each word (capitalize)? If you search the manual, I'm sure… CSS, with, e.g.: p.uppercase { text-transform: uppercase; } p.capitalize { text-transform… Re: Capitalize a letter of a string Programming Web Development by ShawnCplus I think you mean capitalize. If you capitolize it you turn it into money. I wasn't aware PHP was the philosopher's stone of the 21st century Re: C Program to Capitalize Specified Character? Programming Software Development by WaltP … add an option that, user enters a character number to capitalize. Following should be output of the program: Enter sentence: hello… how are you? Enter char number to capitalize: 2 Output: hEllo hOw aRe yOu? Any help? I don… the counter is the specified value (2 in your example) capitalize the character entered Can not sort name and capitalize the name?? help Programming Software Development by dhanh90 …++; name.setCharAt(j+1,Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(j+1)));//capitalize the letter after space } if(Spaces==0) { LastName[j]=…(Name[j].lastIndexOf(' '),name.length()); } System.out.println("Capitalize name: "+name); System.out.print("Middle name is… Re: Can not sort name and capitalize the name?? help Programming Software Development by sneaker … be cut after each whitespace and you can more easily capitalize the first letter in every name if that is what… you want. If you want to capitalize every letter in the name you have to catch every… C Program to Capitalize Specified Character? Programming Software Development by krulex … add an option that, user enters a character number to capitalize. Following should be output of the program: Enter sentence: hello… how are you? Enter char number to capitalize: 2 Output: hEllo hOw aRe yOu? Any help? I don… Python Code Help - Capitalize only vowels Programming Software Development by curiouskitten …=raw_input("Enter Sentence: ") print S.upper() # This will capitalize all print S.lower() # This will lowercase all Re: Python Code Help - Capitalize only vowels Programming Software Development by curiouskitten … bit lost after that. For instance i can't just capitalize v? [CODE] V="aeiou" V.upper() [/CODE] I… Re: Python Code Help - Capitalize only vowels Programming Software Development by lllllIllIlllI … to use that `letter= letter.upper()` code and that would capitalize your letter ready to be added onto the second string. Re: Capitalize first word of a sentence Programming Software Development by chary8088 you must know end punctuation of every sentence, or you can store possible end flags into a container , such as vector or array, search the end punctuation from container and compare Re: Capitalize sentences in a string. Programming Software Development by Yeen Many Thanks! It'll be much clearer to go through the documentation now that I have an example to compare with. Re: Capitalize first char of every word in input string Programming Software Development by Aia [code=C]#include<stdio.h> int main(void) { char string[50]; char *ptr = string; printf("Enter string\n"); fgets(string,sizeof string,stdin); printf("string= \"%s\"\n",string); /* first letter of string */ *ptr = toupper(*ptr); /* going thru string */ while(*ptr) { if( … Re: Capitalize first char of every word in input string Programming Software Development by IwalkAlone I got it! Thanx a lot joey and aia! :) Re: Capitalize first letter of word Programming Software Development by Bench If you're able to split each 'word' into separate strings, then you're already half way there use the [inlinecode]toupper[/inlinecode] function on the first character of that word, to generate the uppercase equivalent of that character (If an uppercase equivalent is available). [CODE=CPP] word[0] = toupper( word[0] ); [/CODE] This won't … Re: Capitalize first letter of word Programming Software Development by Tight_Coder_Ex [QUOTE=roxanne14;486704] I've gotten it to output in address format[/QUOTE] Your computer must run quite a bit different than mine then. Once you've entered your string[code]char word [80]; cin >> word;[/code]or whatever size you think you need, then just cycle through all the characters changing [b]#[/b] to carriage returns and … Re: Capitalize letter in string to output... Should be a pretty easy solution! Programming Software Development by jephthah strtok will work to be sure, but you have to watch out that it will stomp all over your original string. another way is to use pointers. make sure you can understand, and explain, how this works [code=c] void capitalizeFirsts(char *buf) { *buf=toupper(*buf); // first char CAP while (*buf++ != '\0') if (*buf == ' ')… Re: Capitalize letter in string to output... Should be a pretty easy solution! Programming Software Development by nelledawg Ok that does make sense, but now the only thing that doesn't make sense to me is where I'm supposed to call that function to change the case of each word... Here's what I have: [CODE=c] // ** Prototypes ** void heading(void); int menu(); int add(); void getstring(char entry[], char prompt[]); int getint(int min, int max, char prompt[]);…