9 Topics

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Member Avatar for furlanut

I am persevering with Javascript slowly, and attempting to modify a code I saw that I thought would work for me - click to change/enlarge image and attach appropriate caption. I have: function showPreview(path){ var theImageElement=document.getElementById("img"); var theCaptionElement=document.getElementById("legend"); theImageElement.src = path; /*if(path == "../WSRUxhtml/photo/LImg/Barfleur.jpg"){ theCaptionElement.innerHTML="Barfleur arriving at Portsmouth"; } else …

Member Avatar for newbi11

Hi everyone, I am having some problems implementing a js slide caption on my webpage and I would appreciate if someone could help. Here is the Js caption http://ryun.github.io/HCaptions/ and here is the code I am working with : <html> <head> <style> .cap-overlay{ font-family: monospace; font-size: 26px; color: #666; } …

Member Avatar for newbi11
Member Avatar for tipdarath.phal
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for LastMitch

Hi I recently created a `JQuery Gallery Script` in the `Javascript` section with some help from **pritaeas** & **JJenZz**: Here is the link to the script: http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/javascript-dhtml-ajax/threads/434987/havent-issue-with-seeing-alt-with-image-in-jquery The `JQuery` code works you can check the link and test it out. Since the script is in `JQuery`. I want to add …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for velizar.velkov

Hello, Can somebody recommend me a good-looking dynamic gallery with captions that is supported on mobile devices? I'm currently using Lightview, but it's sadly not supported. It should be free to use. Any help would be appreciated!

Member Avatar for ainosilva
Member Avatar for jonow

I am trying to make a table scroll once it reaches the width of its parent element. In addition to this I want to make it so the `<caption>` does not scroll with the table (it stays fixed) and also the first column stays fixed. Does anyone know how to …

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for dnk

Hi All, I try to make my caption text scrolling. Actually, i already make it scrolling but after the last letter it would appear all of text and scrolling again. I want the text scrolling one by one, after the last letter it following by the first letter. How i …

Member Avatar for dnk
Member Avatar for starsinthesky

hello guys! im just wondering if it is possible to edit the caption of an image while it's being viewed through lightbox?

Member Avatar for jonow

I want to make it so I can put a caption under an image so that the caption will only go as long as the image. I wan't to be able to do this without having to set a width for the caption. I do not know if this is …

Member Avatar for rosy12

The End.