Re: Word Association Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Salem category -> pigeonhole Display product filter on all products category Programming Web Development by ianhaneybs …the same as the other categories. For example the category here…-foods/index.php?route=product/category&path=271 has the product filter in the… left column. On the all products category page here… Paris Olympics Chatbot- Get Ticket Information Using Chat-GPT and LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …following output shows that the model correctly returns the category for the lowest-priced ticket. ``` query = &…games?" generate_response(query) ``` **Output:** ``` The category for the lowest ticket price for tennis games is …query) ``` **Output:** ``` The maximum price for category B for men's single tennis games for non-… Paris Olympics Ticket Information Chatbot with Memory Using LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …'s pass another query. ``` query = "And what is the category of this ticket?" generate_response(query) ``` **Output:** ``` The context does… not provide specific information on the category of the ticket. ``` The time model refuses to return any… Re: How to disable the automatic swipe effect on the product page? Programming Web Development by Dani …: { slidesPerView: 1.2, spaceBetween: 15, }, } }); } } var handleCategorySwiper = function() { if (jQuery('.category-swiper').length > 0) { var swiper = new Swiper… Re: Word Association Game Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani Genre —> category 7 NLP Tasks to Perform for Free in Python with Mistral 7b LLM Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … with Mistral 7b Text classification involves assigning a label or category to an input text. In the following script, we ask… Claude 3 Opus Vs. Google Gemini Vs. GPT-4 for Zero-Shot Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … records with equal proportion of tweets belonging to each sentiment category, e.g., 34 for neutral and 33 each for positive… Re: Htaccess Problem Url Friendly Programming Web Development by Adolfo_1 …/"); if($mod_rewrite == 'Off') { define("URL_CATEGORY", "category.php?slug="); define("URL_PAGE", "page.php…lex.php?slug="); } else { define("URL_CATEGORY", "category/"); define("URL_PAGE", "page/"); define("… Re: How to rank my blog in google? Digital Media by jofrachalya142 …. Give internal links to majorly same categories and one different category as well. * Fix technical problems of your site as well… Re: Woocommerce Filters, Category, Subcategory. Programming Web Development by useruno1 [Category] [Subcategory] I would like to display filters for products only in [Subcategory]. problem in solve query?? Programming Software Development by Aamit category table id name date duration 1 aaa 12/12/07 … Re: CSV UPLOADING UNIQUE RECORDS Programming Web Development by ashalatha Category Table cat_id name Sub-category sub_cat_id(primary key) name while uploading the file sub category ids should be unique if we enter duplicate it should not add and should not display error just it should show a message as format is wrong. Re: send sms from mysql query php?? Programming Web Development by urtrivedi category(cat_id, cat_desc) article(art_id,art_desc, cat_id) user(userid, username,pwd) … and loop it to send mail to user subscribed its category and save that log in user_mail_log table (optional). to find… Re: Help on PHP Fetch from database!!! Programming Web Development by urtrivedi category was just example you need to set what ever number of columns you want only important is index of row which is clicked Re: SQL Query to UPDATE access database values Programming Web Development by dnanetwork [Category ID] = @ProductID seems like u r updating Category ID and providing product id.. is it the case...? Re: Javascript Function to change a color Programming Web Development by stbuchok category is an object. changecolor(this,this.value) - this refers to the select tag, not it's id. Re: Data Grid View Problem Programming Software Development by prajot_03 category and item name both are combo box and are populated from database(mysql) Category Programming Web Development by bavenbabu …,gadget.I want to display subcategories of each category in php.movies contain subcategories like new release,upcoming… subcategories like pc,mobiles.I want to display each category and its subcategories on the same page while clicking… on category title.I created databases for each categories.Any help… category added in custom post type in wordpress Programming Web Development by durgesh1 … post type from wp admin and add post in that category every thing is fine here but when i click on…; array( 'title', 'editor', 'comments', 'thumbnail', 'custom-fields' ), 'taxonomies' => array( 'category' ), 'menu_icon' => plugins_url( 'images/image.png', __FILE__ ), 'has_archive' => true… Category UL and LI recursion Programming Web Development by devianleong … '</ul>'; } $items = array(); $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM category"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $items[$row['Parent_ID']][] = $row; } echo… `<span class="subDropdown plus">`. The other category that have children are not display `<span class="… Category hierarchy problem............ Programming Web Development by nil_gh_80 Hello friends, I've a category table, the structure is: category{ id int(11) autoincrement, name varchar(255), parentid int(11); } … Category and Subcategory in Programming Software Development by whin_lopez … one have an idea of how to create a sub category in well I'm thinking of building a…'s the logic. I'll be assigning each of them category like for example: Componenets[INDENT]Peripherals[/INDENT][INDENT]Networking[/INDENT… Re: Category and Subcategory in Programming Software Development by kvprajapati Table structure should be: [code=text] CatId Category ParentID 1 A 2 B 3 AA 1 4 BB 1 5 CC 2 [/code] Re: category and subcategory in oracle Programming Databases by rubberman Huh? There is no such animal(s) in SQL. What exactly are you trying to do? Give an example of your schema and the data it contains, and what you want to do for correlating that data to "category/sub-category". Category display Programming Web Development by bavenbabu … are present in database in the list.I created a category table in my code is listed as follows… Re: Category display Programming Web Development by bavenbabu … which are the PK/FK fields[/QUOTE] movie is a category under which there arise subcategories like new release,latest song… category and subcategory in oracle Programming Databases by ganges what is the SQL command (Query) to create category and subcategory in oracle thanks for your time. Category Option not adding to SQL database Programming Web Development by Faisal_13 … my blog.While adding new post to my blog the category option not updating to database add_post.php <h2>… Re: Category Option not adding to SQL database Programming Web Development by Faisal_13 Second option also I am checked print_r($_POST); on same line but no error, no result While aading a post to blog succefully updated but category option always blank