56 Topics

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Member Avatar for Pro2000

[B]Hello everybody. I've been working on a PHP file that adds a value to a cell in one table in MySQL.[/B] First I thought that the following code might work properly: [CODE] <?php require("DB_Connector.php"); //The file that connects to the MySQL database required mysql_query("update tableName set cellName= cellName + '$The_New_Value' …

Member Avatar for Pro2000
Member Avatar for JakeA

hi! how can i get the column name of the current cell in the radgridview? RadGridView1 is the name of my datagrid. these doesn't work: [CODE]RadGridView1.CurrentCell.Column.ToString(); RadGridView1.CurrentCellInfo.Column.ToString(); RadGridView1.CurrentColumn.ToString();[/CODE] help me please...

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for Alexkid

Hi there, I think im trying to do something pretty simple but i can't find a simple explanation. What i have: I have five Textboxs (1 to 5) I have a Button I have a Datagrid with five columns (1 to 5) What i want to do: on a button …

Member Avatar for Alexkid
Member Avatar for ThirstyGlen

Hi, I recently built a new html site and it looked great in FF, Chrome, Safari, and IE8. When I view the site in IE9, it expands vertically, leaving spaces between the images and generally destroying the page layout. I don't know if this is an issue with my html …

Member Avatar for ThirstyGlen
Member Avatar for Tony-Tone

Hi.. I Have A Question On VB Basic, Been Trying To Figure This Out For over A Month Now.. I Want to Put Videos With Url In DataGridView So That When User Clicks Cell, Its Plays The Video, i Have 2 Columns.. Any Input Would Be Appreciated.. Thanx..

Member Avatar for Huntondoom
Member Avatar for jonow

I am trying to set up a text message newsletter on my website. The basics of it are someone submits their number and I can go in and send out a message to a list of the numbers. I want to know the best method of going about this. I …

Member Avatar for jonow
Member Avatar for Krimi

hi im trying to create a small excel addin in VS2008 byt i cant figure out how to write lika a string or an int to a specific cell? for example: i want to write something in cell B1? how do i do that in the C# code? it must …

Member Avatar for SuperSid
Member Avatar for chandruswami

Hi, I need to wrap text in cells in Xtragrid (Devexpress) Can you please help me whether i have to change it in design properties/in Code If so Please help me.. -Chandru

Member Avatar for naxysch

Hi what i am trying to do here is highlight a particular cell in a table using a custom cell renderer. And by the way this is my first cell renderer so i am really not sure what to do! ok now here is the renderer I have written and …

Member Avatar for naxysch
Member Avatar for TheVenerableZ

I made a PHP class that dramatically simplifies sending text messages with PHP. I know this isn't really a "help me out!" type question per se, but I would like to share the code because I have found it to be tremendously useful. You're free to do whatever you'd like …

Member Avatar for ﻼim
Member Avatar for Dingbats

Hello Everyone, my first post - so please don't shoot me if it goes wrong! I'd been looking for this for some time now and have seen a number of related queries but no solutions. I cannot take credit for the whole code here, but I did adapt it to …

Member Avatar for ms_sws

I would have "thought" it would be a simple thing to get the (unformatted) text in each cell of a dynamic table but I have failed to solve this problem. So...I have a table that the user can dynamically load with data. They click an add button to insert a …

Member Avatar for ms_sws
Member Avatar for khess

It's a cell phone for crying out loud. Do you get it? A cell phone. You know, you make and receive phone calls on it. It's a telephone that you carry around in your pocket. Who gives a rip whether it's equipped with a web browser, a file editor or …

Member Avatar for theseekerguy
Member Avatar for tzushky

hi everyone, I have a tiny problem with a simple implementation: - i have a main window with a table in my central widget - i want to add stuff in the table gradually, and I allow only the 1st cell (index 0) of each row to be selectable. - …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for ms_sws

I have built a marquee of images that scrolls inside a cell of a table. The marquee width, of course, is dictated by the width of the cell. But I don't want the number of images that actually scroll inside the marquee to cut off based on the width of …

Member Avatar for ms_sws
Member Avatar for esash28

Hi everyone.. I am a new programmer to OpenGL using C++. I have an nxn grid having numbers in each cell of the grid.. I have to swap the content of two cells.. ie., the numbers in 2 cells selected, have to be swapped. I am not knowing how to …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for irmak1771

Hi, I am extracting data from datagridview to Excel. But for columns with so many numbers Excel turns the format to 6,45646E+11 Is there a way that I can prevent this. I tried to use worksheets but I could not even save the data by using that. Here is my …

Member Avatar for DdoubleD
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

According to multiple sources, the Palm Pre is set to launch on June 6th, which happens to be the 65th anniversary of [URL="http://www.army.mil/d-day/"]D-Day invasion[/URL]. I guess we can call this the Pre-Day invasion. Instead of storming the beaches of Normandy to take on Nazi Germany, Palm will be taking on …

Member Avatar for carlyse_09
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

If you've been following this blog, you know I'm no nay-sayer on the economy. A realist, yes, but I won't wave pom-poms for a recession like so many others in the media. That said, I don't think there's any doubt that 2008 will be short of a robust year for …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

There's an old saying in marketing that the consumer always gets what he or she wants. That's likely never been more true than with today's cell phones, where users are clamoring for more than just songs downloads, video, GPS, systems, and, increasingly, voice mail technologies. Voice mail? Did he just …

Member Avatar for sidfilmz
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

We've been talking about "upside" in the technology stock sector all week. Hand held devices and memory cards were the sectors at the top of that list, and should stay that way. Another side to the upside discussion is who, exactly, will be buying these products? After all, a lot …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for John A

$500 is a lot of money for a cell phone. True, the iPhone is a lot more than just a cell phone, but the price is steep nevertheless. And the results seem to prove it when you read articles like [URL="http://computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/news/89B5D6ED1CD4A132CC25728E0013778A"]this[/URL] one, which showed that people are simply not willing …

Member Avatar for dasithds
Member Avatar for John A

With the release of the Apple iPhone, threatening to shake up the cell phone industry, it's inevitable that companies will try to use ideas similar to Apple's. The latest "cause of concern" is [URL="http://www.smh.com.au/news/mobiles--handhelds/lgs-iphone-copycat/2007/01/19/1169095944823.html"]LG's Prada KE850[/URL] cell phone, which uses a touchscreen interface, and similar features such as web browser, …

Member Avatar for j.singh
Member Avatar for John A

Some people have been writing about the iPhone, and there are complaints as expected with any new device (or old for that matter). So I decided to write about them, and show what's really behind all this. Price is the thing that hits you first when getting a new tech …

Member Avatar for thewizard397
Member Avatar for John A

With the Macworld Keynote, it was inevitable that Apple would release some fancy new product. Among other things, the iPhone turned out the be the most significant, turning the iPod into a device which can make phone calls, and much, much more. All for only $499. The idea of merging …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for happygeek

[URL="http://www.micron.com"]Micron Technology, Inc.[/URL], has unveiled a prototype of the World’s first 8-megapixel CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) image sensor using a miniature 1.75 micron pixel design in a 1/2.5 inch optical format. As well as being small enough to bring 3-megapixel performance to your camera equipped cell phone, the new sensor …

Member Avatar for jwenting

The End.