Cffunction Programming Web Development by fobos … can someone just show me how to implement a CFFunction? So lets say this is _component.cfc [CODE=…CFC] <cfcomponent> <cffunction name="myFunction" access="public" returntype…;foo"> <cfreturn myResult> </cffunction> </cfcomponent> [/CODE] Now what im… Re: Cffunction Programming Web Development by brettskiii Hi, Try this for your _getcomponent.cfm [CODE]<cfobject name="myObj" component="mywebapp.cfc.path" > <cfinvoke component="#myObj#" method="myFunction" myArgument="value or variable">[/CODE] You can do this in cfscript but for now this is probably the easiest way to learn.. b Re: Cffunction Programming Web Development by arrgh It can be confusing at first. Keep in mind there's different ways you can call functions, and reasons why you'd use 1 way versus another way. But let's ignore that for now and get back to your question. In order to use the function, you have to create an instance of the component first. The simplest way to do that is using CFINVOKE. The "… Re: Cffunction Programming Web Development by fobos Wow thanks alot guys. This really helps to me to have a better understanding. Again thanks. Call cffunction from cfinput button Programming Web Development by ruhestorer Hi, Is there simple way to call cffunction using cf component- button or link, or whatever. I have list with multiple documents and in the end of each line i need component which user can click, and on click i need to call cffunction. Re: Call cffunction from cfinput button Programming Web Development by danarashad You might be able to do this with ajax. Below is a good example. Re: Call cffunction from cfinput button Programming Web Development by dipakatcvrca As mentioned by danarashad, you need to use AJAX to communicate with server. You may use $.ajax and request the method to get your work done. For Ex. if you have a method named myMethod() in myCFC component then you can set ajax url as **mycfc.cfc?method=myMethod**. Let me know if this helps. Regards, Dipak CFC: Bind issue Programming Web Development by teedoff …lt;!--- Get array of car manufactures ---> <cffunction name="getMakes" access="remote" returntype… ---> <cfreturn result> </cffunction> <!--- Get models by year ---> <… return results ---> <cfreturn result> </cffunction> </cfcomponent>[/CODE] and my cfm: [… Re: CFC: Bind issue Programming Web Development by teedoff …THIS.dsn = "rlbulbs"> <cffunction name="getYear" access="remote" returntype…> <cfreturn result> </cffunction> <cffunction name="getModels" access="remote"…lt;/cfloop> <cfreturn result> </cffunction> </cfcomponent>[/CODE] Then my select… Re: CFC: Bind issue Programming Web Development by teedoff …CODE]<!--- Get Models by Make ---> <cffunction name="getModels" access="remote" …CODE]<!--- Get Models by Make ---> <cffunction name="getModels" access="remote" …return results ---> <cfreturn result> </cffunction>[/CODE] And my cfselect: [CODE]<cfselect name=&… Loading ColdSpring and ModelGlue configurations dynamically Programming Web Development by thesaintbug …(); </cfscript> <cfreturn true /> </cffunction> <cffunction name="initColdSpring" access="private" output… application.settings)#"> <cfabort> ---> </cffunction> <cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="false" /> </cfcomponent… Asynchronous CFML Gateway Programming Web Development by CFAustin …; hint="Asynchronous CMFL gateway for Submit"> <cffunction name="onIncomingMessage" output="no"> <…;">#email_txt# </cfmail> </cffunction> </cfcomponent> 4. Calling cfml code <cfoutput… Event Gateway Assistance Programming Web Development by drumsticks … [code=coldfusion] <cfcomponent output="no"> <cffunction name="scoresummary" returntype="void" output="…; </cfloop> </cftransaction> </cfif> </cffunction> </cfcomponent> [/code] Insert query. Programming Web Development by Hercf … “primary key”: (“id”), from an “insert query”? * [code=coldfusion]<cffunction name="insertData" access="public"> <… ('', '#formData.firstname#', '') </cfquery> </cffunction>[/code] * How could I get back the primary key… Re: Insert query. Programming Web Development by cmhampton … field is set as the identity column. [code=ColdFusion] <cffunction name="insertData" access="public"> <… = SCOPE_IDENTITY() </cfquery> <cfreturn /> </cffunction> [/code] Re: Insert query. Programming Web Development by Hercf … field is set as the identity column. [code=ColdFusion] <cffunction name="insertData" access="public"> <… = SCOPE_IDENTITY() </cfquery> <cfreturn /> </cffunction> [/code][/QUOTE] Getting rating System to Work Programming Web Development by dodo123456 … anyone guide me what i am doing wrong. [CODE] <cffunction name="addItemRating" returntype="string" access="…;/cfcatch> </cftry> <cfreturn result> </cffunction> [/CODE] also i want if ipaddress is different, it… CFGrid and checkboxes Programming Web Development by akraus …" select="no" /> </cfgrid> <cffunction name="editData" access="remote"> <…; required="yes" type="Struct"> </cffunction> [/code] The problem is that in edit mode I… Coldfusion AutoSuggest Programming Web Development by Graham301 …"> <!--- Lookup used for auto suggest ---> <cffunction name="lookupArt" access="remote" returntype="…; <!--- And return it ---> <cfreturn result> </cffunction> </cfcomponent> I need the link to be… ajax problem Programming Web Development by lithcause …? i dont know what else i could do [CODE]<cffunction name="getcontacts" access="remote" returntype="…;/cfif> </cfloop> <cfreturn myReturn> </cffunction>[/CODE] Javascript Variable Programming Web Development by zero_sequence …;/cfif> [/CODE] cfc file [CODE] <cfcomponent> <cffunction name="pagesetter" access="remote" returntype="… session.pager=#arguments.page_now#> <cfreturn myResult> </cffunction> </cfcomponent> [/CODE] do you believe that using… CF Query in Function Programming Web Development by fobos … have so far, but i get an error. [CODE] <cffunction name="select_query" access="public" returntype="…;>#sql#</cfquery> <cfreturn get> </cffunction> <cfoutput>#select_query('New','New')#</cfoutput>… how to populate a combobox using flex-oracle-coldfusion? Programming Web Development by montjoile …> [/CODE] my coldfusion webservice: [CODE] <cfcomponent> <cffunction name="listar_consolas" returnType="Query" access="… status='i' </cfquery> <cfreturn qGet> </cffunction> </cfcomponent> [/CODE] Why is not working? cfselect binding using CFC Programming Web Development by jayst19143 …="false"> <!--- set function name ---> <cffunction name="Get_Companies" access="remote" returnType="…; <!--- And return it ---> <cfreturn result> </cffunction> </cfcomponent> And here's my cfm <… Re: .xsl do not open in msoffice2007 enviornment Programming Web Development by neemisha … let the user open or download excel sheet. [code]<cffunction access="public" name="ExcelDownload" output="…;#header##CRLF##CRLF#</cfoutput> </cfif> </cffunction>[/code] when I try to download an excel file… .xsl do not open in msoffice2007 enviornment Programming Web Development by neemisha Hi cffunction build to download the .xsl file. when user tries to open .xsl file in msoffice2007 environment the function gives an error and do not allow to open. Please help Thanks Cfinput Bind CFC SyntaxError: parseJSON Programming Web Development by jayst19143 … cfc which does nothing but multiple Qty*Price [CODE]<cffunction name="GetLineTotal" access="remote"> <… Re: ColdFusion Quote/calculator Programming Web Development by Loki421 … manufacturer_table </cfquery> <cfreturn get_Man> </cffunction> <cffunction name="get_Model" access="remote" returnType…#" </cfquery> <cfreturn get_Sp> </cffunction> <cffunction name="get_Trans" access="remote" returnType… Re: Init() function in ColdFusion Programming Web Development by Heru_1 …I have many more functions below ---> <CFFUNCTION name="ValidateEmpId"> <!---- validation …codes here ---> </CFFUNCTION> <CFFUNCTION name="ValidateEmpSal"> <!---- …validation codes here ---> </CFFUNCTION> <CFFUNCTION name="ValidateAddr"> <!---- … Re: How to make user defined function global? Programming Web Development by quickdraw6906 … was the final solution: [Put in application.cfc:] [CODE] <cffunction name="onApplicationStart"> . . . snip . . . <… application.registerglobalmethods = this.registerglobalmethods; </cfscript> . . . snip . . . </cffunction> <cfinclude template="GlobalFunctions.cfm"> <…